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  Current club
Posted by: demeester - 10-11-2000, 09:07am - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (12)

As you all know, there is continued promotion of "the new club" being made on this board (hey, and it takes a lot of nerve to keep coming back here to drum up business). Hey, I have no problem with a new club, or even the fact that they are using the same name as this club... and everyone is free to go check out the "new" club. I hope nobody thinks that this means that this club is closing down or going to go away. To everyone who currently posts here, hope to continue seeing you around, and continue to enjoy everyones positive input. <i></i>

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Posted by: Volvi - 09-11-2000, 06:55pm - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (9)

Looking to change front sprocket, any reccomendation? has anyone done theirs? I know Jamie has changed his. And what notable changes are seen and felt? <i></i>

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  A place to copy posts to before deleting...
Posted by: demeester - 02-11-2000, 09:44am - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Put the topic name in, date deleted, then paste the topic and all details of poster, including IP. Easiest is to copy and past all text (both columns....) <i></i>

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  Recall topic
Posted by: demeester - 02-11-2000, 08:39am - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

Copy and pasted recall topic before moving other stuff back to General. 02/11/00 <i></i>

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  New club!
Posted by: Thatsitmate - 01-11-2000, 02:42pm - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (11)

News on the grape-vine is that a new Busa club will be up and running soon(week or two). The address will be www.australianhayabusaclub.com.au . Keep an eye out 4 it.
Snaggs <i></i>

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  The Crap .....
Posted by: demeester - 30-10-2000, 10:54am - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (6)

The crap will not be left here in the General Forum. This is a discussion board, people.

Discussion can be on topic, or off topic; it can be idle chit chat, or valuable and informative input; we will accept that many people will disagree with others; but we all know what I am referring to. This was not about simply disagreeing with others opinions and beliefs.

Anything may go on LA Busas, but not here. If people want an "anything goes" forum, they can go there. Many club members steer clear of LA Busas because they do not want a hostile environment. I don't, either, not here, anyway.

This is not censorship. The last time the crap was removed, it was called censorship, and Volvi was accused of deciding what went and stayed. Many were involved in the discussions of what to remove, and the requests to remove it came from multiple sources. Volvi removed certain inflamatory topics, but not at his sole discretion.

Likewise, this time, there have been varying theories and requests of how to handle it. For the time being, the topics have been moved, and any new ones in the same vain will also be moved to the same place.

It is regretful that things went down this path. I hope that we can all get "General Discussion" back on track from here,

Happy riding, everyone,

Richard <i></i>

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  The Volvi Post
Posted by: GLENN - 29-10-2000, 07:28pm - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (7)

In reply to you calling me pathetic you piece of S.H.I.T AND TAKING A SWIPE AT MY AGE by having people who don't know me think I may be around 16 years of age or a bit older now its my turn. I happen to be 43 and remember what started all of this and it wasn't the cam chain recall as you have stated and once again misinformed people. This goes back further when you accused Peter of putting a post up that he was not responsible for. When Phil actually rang you to explain personally it was one of his mates who had placed the post you hung up in his ear.. It was then when you were threatened with legal action that the posts were removed. You want to dish it out be prepared for a reaction. If this gets edited or removed that will show everyone how PATHETIC you are. <i></i>

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  The Ducks Guts Of The Problem....................
Posted by: Boss2 - 28-10-2000, 06:48am - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

This is something that needs to be said and I address this to you Volvi as it's this fact thats the root of the problem here.I know that if I walk up to a man on the street and call his wife a s****** then he will react !!!
I'm afraid Volvi you feel that you can say whatever you like to whom !!! BUT!!! when they react you then use your power as moderator to REACT against them.This Volvi is why several members of this club feel like tearing your arms off when next they see you.It's not because they are bad people or a.r.s.e holes,simply because they are human and react to things you have said or done as any Normal person will react.
If you cannot see by the world wide reaction to your actions that you are wrong, then I feel sorry for you..........but I notice there is still no apology forth coming from you,as in the situation many months ago Richard did some wrong by me.........but he apologised for it and as far as I was concerned that was the end of the matter and earn't some respect from me in the process.I can name four members of this board that you have had heavy conflict with and each time it is for the same reason.
I think you need to learn that if you kick people in the guts there is a damn good chance they will kick you back and often because you have hurt them with your actions and emotions become involved they will kick you back a lot harder (maybe even threaten you).Have also noticed that in the time I have known you you have stressed over and over it's not your club it's the members club (No I'm certianly not a member I add here) but when it comes down to the wire all of a sudden you are Lord and Master ????????????? and you wonder why the NAZI term is posted.
In closing two points I'd like to make
1/ To the people so quick of the mark to comment that do not know me or more importantly do not know the full story then you at least need to find out the full story before you pass judgment (kangaroo court).

2/ Volvi please learn for your own sake that if you press the right buttons people will react.......and yes even THREATEN you. BUT there is term used in the legal system even in assault cases and that term is .....DUE PROVACATION
because the law (which is made by the people)is aware that if you provoke some one enough they will react.

I'd say as a child Volvi you would have stood at the neighbours fence and teased the dog with a stick,but when finally he jumped the fence and bit you, it wasn't you who was wrong, he was just a savage dog.
So please continue on, but how about treating the members on your board with the same respect that you DEMAND from them ??. Or guess what from the looks of it they may ban you and even threaten you I guess after all.... arn't they human ???.I don't know of many people who run around threatening others without provocation !! DO YOU ???????
Oh !!! no antagonism here just plain cold facts Boss <i></i>

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  An Aussie I rode with told me this:
Posted by: fish antlers - 28-10-2000, 03:45am - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (24)

Australia sucks. The rodes are straight and boring. The gasoline is like water... you guys only just gor 87 octane... Infact it sucks so harshly down there that he crated his bike and shipped it to North America.... he's never seen so many corners!

So, come on boys! just how BAD is it there?

"hey, lets go fer a ride.... okay! lets ride in a straight line for 2 hours and then turn back and ride in a straight line to get back!"

just wondering? <i></i>

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  Chamchain Tensioner Design Issues -- Manual vs. Au
Posted by: Volvi - 27-10-2000, 01:07pm - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

LaBusa has an interesting thread on this subject, well worth a read at http://www.labusas.org/ubb/Forum1/HTML/003701.html

PS. Thx numbnuts for sending me over to labusa, it appears there is more censoreship issues there than here. <i></i>

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