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Discussion Board |
Posted by: NumbNuts - 27-10-2000, 09:39am - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (7)
Discussion Board
It does exactly what it says at the top of the page.
You cant go around banning people just because you're the moderator. It is a DISCUSSION BOARD fer Krist sake!!
this is where people DISCUSS THEIR BELIEFS in what ever they want to.
You dont agree?? tough @#%$. Discuss.
There is a lot of "petty @#%$" going on here boys, I know the whole ethos of the Aussie male is one of domination and being the best, well, ## NEWS FLASH ## it aint so on the internet. That dont wash no more.
If the few who are in charge dont agree with a certain issue, they cannot delete, or ban the author, just because it goes against their personal views, this DISCUSSION BOARD has access from the entire WORLD, in which, some cultures would seriously shock,....
Post which are not (for a better phrase) "Environmentally acceptable" quickly get washed under the carpet, although, having been a regular visitor here for a while, perhaps they will stay on page 1 for quite a while............
So what's gonna hapen eh? Boss banned? Volvi resign?
Grow the @#%$ up.
Thought you were all supposed to be over the age of 10...This is life. HELLO!!! differences always occur. If you cant deal with them and accept that sometimes you are wrong, mis-informed, or slightly off course, AND be able to accept others points of view without getting yer knickers in a twist then you shouldnt be here
Just my 2 penneth.
Delete if you like, I dont care. Its posted on LABUSAS.ORG as a record under AUSSIE SITE FULL OF TESTOSTERONE <i></i>
Refreshed |
Posted by: chopper - 27-10-2000, 08:10am - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (2)
I can't beleive it !!!!!!! I sat here last night hitting the refresh button on the ( BOSS BANNED POST )for 2 hours! I actually got it up to about 1031 views, only to come back thismorning to find all but about 60 odd views have been deleted... I think it just shows that your a little scared that the conflict between members is more popular than the stuff you say about the Hayabusa!!!!
And to the child of the group ( Les )nothing really I just like calling you a child cos you bite so damn hard when I say that..
And lets not forget Volvi , before you BAN me like you have in the past ( but did it silently ) !! don't bother cause I wont be back! not until you let me hit the refresh button as many times as I like ..........LMAO
P.S. Thanx to the person who helped me with the refresh button thing last night your button pressing has not gone unrecognized.
xoxoxox <i></i>
!!! Apology !!! |
Posted by: Boss2 - 27-10-2000, 07:11am - Forum: General Discussion
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I would like to apologise to all the board members for this current out break here on the Busa Board.As Gary pointed out any personal conflicts should be sorted out offline as I intend to do so. To the members who supported me and the principals involved both on here and thru phone calls to me I thank you.To those who do not know me and prejudged me I would like to suggest you re-read my posts over the time on this board and you will find the bottom line to each post is trying to help other members. In my posts I don't post an opinion on the Busa I post what I am paid and qualified to know,this doesn't make me a Guru just a mechanic who know's his job.You see the day of the grease monkey is long dead,with the technology in vehicles now, mechanics actually need and do have a brain believe it or not.
For those who do not know me at least you know I put it up front,and sadly there are those that sneak around and stab in the back. I am not a member of this board and have no wish to be, I simply try to help out those less informed and steer them in the right direction in regards there motorcycles and give them the benefit of my 30 years in this trade. I shall be far less forthcoming with information here on this board in future but hasten to add any members or friends I have made here need only but ask to recieve any help I can give. Enjoy your day as I will mine (the S\E Contingent's off to the Gp). Boss
Thanks but no thanks Volvi |
Posted by: Boss2 - 26-10-2000, 10:12pm - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (2)
Sorry not interested Volvi those that would like a hand at any time can feel free to contact me outside this board,say what you like I honestly are just not interested in any way.
Don't Flatter Yourself |
Posted by: femfatel - 26-10-2000, 09:20pm - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (2)
Really Volvi why should or would I bother to fight my way in here.So be carefull what you say or I shall respond I have noticed since you banned me you and your boyfriend started with the open slather.I can and will respond,so I suggest you little fellows just get on your way and don't worry about me. Sleep tight little one's.
Boss oooop's I mean femfatale LMAO <i></i>
Posted by: Snaggs - 26-10-2000, 08:43pm - Forum: General Discussion
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What do I have to say to get BANNED! Gee, I hope I don't say anything to offend our almighty leader. He might ban me - well guess what boys - S.T.I.F.F S.H.I.T. LMAO till the cows come home!!!!! <i></i>
Boss2 Banned |
Posted by: Volvi - 26-10-2000, 05:09pm - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (7)
I think we have had just about enough of Boss, I have placed a ban on him in this forum. I am not going to allow any individual to think he can take full control and rubbish whom so ever he wishes.
No doubt he will attempt to make himself heared by what ever means. The administrators of this board will keep an eye on any malicious attempts to do so.
If some here feel it unjust, then feel free to leave and by all means resign from the club.
Someone has to take the decision to act, unfortunately it falls on me to act, and I would add on the behalf of many others on this board, and it would help if they show some support to this distastefull decision. <i></i>
Bar ends |
Posted by: demeester - 26-10-2000, 12:51pm - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (9)
Anyone interested in any of these bar ends:
or these brake/clutch covers
let me know. I am planning to order a set of ends, and since they have to come from the states, we could split the shipping costs. The ends are $30US a set + shipping, and the covers are $50US a set + shipping.
0417 28 78 76 <i></i>
Nice Sleep And A Change Of Mind |
Posted by: Boss2 - 26-10-2000, 08:09am - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (3)
After great consideration I have decided that stuff you Volvi why don't you piss off and take your incorrect information with you.I have forgotten more about motorcycles than two of you would or will ever know.Les asked where I got my information from ........the answer Suzuki Australia Like all and any information I post on this board I confirm it before posting it.So Hey I'm back and to Volvi in short ....STICK IT UP YOUR A.R.S.E and the details to the rest of this we shall sort out when next we meet and as the saying goes you can take that to the bank.Also a little surprised Les how you chat away to me on the phone helping you sort out your problems (twice in the last two days)but when it comes to the crunch your so far up Volvi's a.r.s.e you can't find your self.Sorry if this offends any one but so be it.Find it very hard to sit back and say nothing while some moron fills people with information on a subject they know bugger all about.
See Ya Boss <i></i>
Volvi's Wish............no more posts. |
Posted by: Boss2 - 26-10-2000, 03:26am - Forum: General Discussion
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Ok no prob Volvi after all it's YOUR club and I'm only a guest,not a member.Last post here and now,to the friends I've made on this board as always still have time to help out whenever it's needed and as before all you need do is ask. To you Volvi there are many things I could say, but to be perfectly honest your not worthy of the time required to do so. Boss <i></i>