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  Mach 2 Video
Posted by: Fox - 26-04-2001, 05:52pm - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Can't seem to find a copy of the Mach 2 video in Sydney ... big waiting list .. anyone know where I can get it?

(Not off the fast Bikes site ... it's too bloody expensive!) <i></i>

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  Hayabusa Ad
Posted by: Fox - 26-04-2001, 05:51pm - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (21)

Does anyone have a copy of the Hayabusa TV ad?
I have never seen it ...

If someone can get me a copy I can digitise it and put it on the site .....

Anyone have contacts at Suzuki maybe ..


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  New bike
Posted by: Heidi1 - 23-04-2001, 11:02am - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (11)

Went to visit Col on the weekend and let him twiddle with the bike. I now have a BRAND NEW BIKE! I am STOKED. The bike is so much fun it was even ok riding to Canb along the Hume in the pouring rain at night in minus zero conditions (only just ok though).

Thanks Col, you are the best.

HEIDI xxx <i></i>

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  Holes dont line up.....
Posted by: michael - 22-04-2001, 10:07am - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (8)

I recently bought a ventura rack for my K1 Busa. The left hand side bracket does not line up properly with the bolt holes on the bike, consequently I'm unable to tighten the bolt properly on the side of the bike.(where the luggage tie-down is situated.)
I know Ventura will blame Suzuki, and Suzuki will say that they dont reccomend luggage systems for the busa anyway.
I also bought a "ralley bag" which is a squarish bag and not aero-dynamic like their back packs. Maybe this bag is more suited to cruiser style bikes.
Any advice will be appreciated. <i></i>

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  oh please
Posted by: busababy - 16-04-2001, 07:52pm - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Oh please!
Email sent by Les-

"Michael from your group posted information on our board about the "fallen rider."
He did this without permission, consultation or adequate explanation"

On a PUBLIC BOARD, does one NEED permission, consultation or adequate explanation? And with whom do we get this permission or consultation?
P.S Wonder how long this post will last?



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  Enough is enough!
Posted by: Gazza - 11-04-2001, 12:44pm - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

It really sucks when SOME of the people who run this board can delete posts simply because they were on the receiving end of what was clearly something they didn't want others to see.

Volvi, you are a worthless piece of S. H. I. T. and I'm sure everyone who knows YOU knows THAT. With the possible exception of your fellow turd accomplice, that steaming pile of faeces known as Busababy aka Les Kohn.

It's a pity you couldn't get your useless A. R. S. E. involved in the project to rebuild Luke's bike sooner and without having to bring your pathetic excuse for an ego into.

May your club fold down around your ears as you obviously deserve, and may all the other members, who should have finally seen you for what are when you withdrew your donation, wipe you off their boots as they leave the club. Hopefully YOU Volvi, will be trampled in the stampede.

It takes a lot to get me this angry. Unfortunately Volvi, neither you nor Les are worth it. Though I must admit it's more fun baiting Les. He just can't resist biting. You however Volvi are so gutless that all you can do is delete these posts in hope that no one saw what was said.

I wash my hands of the lot of you. <i></i>

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  Withdrawn Donation(s?)
Posted by: Gazza - 11-04-2001, 11:35am - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

As for my question I posted in another stream. Sorry. I withdraw that last comment, about the $40 donated to the poll, as closer reading of the board has shown that at least part of those anonymous donations were withdrawn. It's a shame you feel you had to withdraw your donation, Volvi. The only person that action really hurts is Luke.

Volvi, I personally find your withdrawal of your donation in very poor form, and it wouldn't surprise me to see your club fold due to the loss of respect of the other members you must surely suffer from it. However, it does highlight the inherent danger of an anonymous donation system because, as all can see, there is nothing to stop others doing the same, but without declaring their intentions. <i></i>

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  Causing Trouble ? NOT !!
Posted by: Chopper02 - 11-04-2001, 10:10am - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

I am now sitting here feeling very sadened of what is going on!!! re: people cracking it and no longer giving a donation !!!!
All that Boss was trying to say is that he is " the money collector " eg: he can not collect money for the Ambulance service because he is not the governing body ( so to speak ) Boss has forked out over $4000.00 from his own pocket and wants to try to make sure he gets some of that back !!!
Boss started Project Helping hand and is there for the governing body for it ( so to speak )
If somone else would like to take over the debt to for the sum of $4000.00 then please feel welcome and you can collect the money how ever you like !!!
It is also sad that both Snaggs and myself posted an article here they were deleated !! it sorted pointed a finger at a member of this board but did not bag him in any way . and now there is a post bagging Boss here and he cant even defend himself. HE JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON !!!!

ps. any donations for the royal childrens hospital apeal can be made to me........... Chopper(with ears or without?) <i></i>

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  Hayabusa Parts
Posted by: AustBusaClub - 11-04-2001, 12:41am - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (22)

Hello again,

Nice to see the board and club going strong !

I was sent this in the Virtual Mail Box which might be of interest to you guys and gals.

Unfortunately I will be without Busa shortly due to impending move. Unless I get a decent job offer shortly.

Peter Lee

Checkered Flag Pty Ltd
A.C.N. 0055 727 382 A.B.N. 33511228686
"Greenvalley" McBride Road, Upper Beaconsfield
Victoria, Australia 3808
tel 03 59444194 fax 03 59444197 mob 0429802210
e-mail elgee@netspace.net.au

To Peter Lee

Hayabusa Club

Dear Peter,

I have just looked at your web page after a Hayabusa owning friend told me about it.

I am the Australian agent for Powerbronze, manufacturers of plastic bits for bikes. Products include Air flow bubble screens which push the air up higher making the almost impossible task of getting your head down easier. I use one on my Blackbird and I have good reports from Hayabusa owners. AMCN will be fitting one to their Project Busa before it goes to the winner. There is a new products piece in the latest issue about the products. We also have a hugger to keep all the dirt off the rear shock, and a tailguard that eliminates the ugly rear guard giving it a racing look as well as a new front guard that is much better than the rather heavy looking original. I am importing these parts in a carbon look plastic, looks the same as carbon but is cheaper and does not shatter although it is still light. The Screens, which I reckon are great, come in clear, dark tint and light tint as well a number of wild colours. I can send you pics if you want to put them on your web page. These parts are also available for most bikes. I am happy to offer a discount or free delivery to your members.


Gary Hill


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  Fund raising attempted help.
Posted by: Volvi - 10-04-2001, 12:41pm - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

For the record, I will post here petes response to my genuine attempt to assist with raising of funds, for the fallen riders busa rebuild. Anonymous pledges do not seem acceptable to those parties, and here I thought all help was desired, but not the case it seems. After posting my Poll/Pledges, I received the following emails;

"I think it may be courteous of you Volvi to contact me with regards to your post on your board re busa fund. I take it you have started a seperate fund in regards this. IS THIS CORRECT ?? Peter"

"If this has nothing to do with my project, what and who has given you the right to collect monies for a project that has nothing to do with you. Please explain rather urgently Volvi as due to the amount of money involved, you leave me little option but to seek legal advice regards this first thing in the morning. I find it highly unethical for you to collect money for a project to which you are not affiliated. Request immediate answer on this as I shall post a public notice regards this within the hour. Peter"

"Still awaiting your reply Volvi?
As I stated we are talking large sums of money here so if you plan on collecting under the guis of my project on behalf of Lucas, I demand to know where this money shall be directed to. Peter"

and the original post oh his board;
188 Hp
(4/10/01 1:21:00 am)
You have been banned
in this ezboard Helping Hand Project..............Clarification !
Have noticed that Volvi has apparently started an appeal on the other board and is collecting money..... for whatever reason I am not sure of at this time !!!!
I have nor do I know anything about this project he is collecting for?? Today I purchased close to $4000.00 dollars worth of parts to repair and complete our current project. Respectfully I would therefore ask that all donations be sent directly to myself or through Gazza's page as would like to be certian that all pledges serve the purpose for which they were intended. Also would rather that donations are not anonomous,due to the fact that no record of amounts recieved can be verified and confirmed if they are anonomous !
I certianly have no wish for this to become a political puppet.......... a FRIEND and FELLOW RIDER was injured and his bike extensively damaged. I was in a position to help him out in a time that he needed a hand......nothing more or nothing less was the motivation for this project to be undertaken.
Due to the hard work, goodwill, and generosity of all concerned I will not allow this to be turned into a circus. For any who have pledged money and wish to withdraw there pledge or parts please advise me, as I would rather foot the total bill myself than allow anyone to play political football with this cause, I thank you once again for all your help and trust that the good side to human nature that I have witnessed this past week shall continue, and allow the completion of this project. Thanking you Boss
Riding...Not Talking About it !

All way too much shit!, oh for the record, I had asked Richard to receive any monies from this method and for him to post the address details, and for the record I am withdrawing any pledges of funds that I made to this project.


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