Gday all, bought myself a K9 Busa last week, bumped into a group of Busa's and their owners today up at Lobethal, (Adelaide Hills), they told me about this forum.
So firstly, gday to the forum users, (including those i know here from Aust Dragbike), and thanks to the guys and gals at Lobethal for telling me about it!!

The names Matt, BTW. Very Happy
Welcome matt
(25-07-2009, 05:52pm)Troopmaster Wrote: Gday all, bought myself a K9 Busa last week, bumped into a group of Busa's and their owners today up at Lobethal, (Adelaide Hills), they told me about this forum.
So firstly, gday to the forum users, (including those i know here from Aust Dragbike), and thanks to the guys and gals at Lobethal for telling me about it!!

The names Matt, BTW. Very Happy

Welcome to the club & forum Matt. I was the senior of the group & it was good to meet you & have a chat. Glad you joined up & from what you told me today ,you already know a fair few of the drag guy's on the forum.I'm sure you'll fit right into the group & keep an eye out for rides/meet up's .By Senior I Meant Oldest .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
Welcomematt,great to see another sa memberPi_thumbsup
born to be mild
G'day Matt Welcome was good to meet you & have a yarn. Look forward to meeting up again some day Pi_thumbsup
Isn't it Ironic that my Favourite Stretch of Tarmac is called C.O.P. Eek
Thanx for the welcome chaps, do you SA guys/gals meet anywhere inparticular, or do you organise your meetings/rides via the forum?

(25-07-2009, 07:06pm)Troopmaster Wrote: Thanx for the welcome chaps, do you SA guys/gals meet anywhere inparticular, or do you organise your meetings/rides via the forum?


We do it via the forum at this stage , but we will eventually set up a regular meet up of some sort .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
(25-07-2009, 07:06pm)Troopmaster Wrote: Thanx for the welcome chaps, do you SA guys/gals meet anywhere inparticular, or do you organise your meetings/rides via the forum?


Hi Matt, Kingy & me normally meet up at lobethal for a coffee & chat on the weekends depending on the weather but my riding time is very flexable so anytime you find yourself heading for the hills PM me & I will try & meet up for a ride. I am in the Salisbury area about 5 mins from One Tree Hill rd or half hour from Lobethal
Isn't it Ironic that my Favourite Stretch of Tarmac is called C.O.P. Eek
welcome Matt
Welcome to the forum Matt.

It's good to see another Gen2 owner from SA Pi_thumbsup

Take it easy on the new machine. They're deceptively quick (go by the speedo - not just the seat of your pants).

I'll be sure to see you around the place sometime....Biker

Tim.Very Happy
If it's too loud....You're too old!
If it's too fast....You're too old!
If it's too sexy....You're ???
Hi Matt and welcome to the club.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
A very warm welcome Matt.
Have fun hanging with that SA crowd.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
welcome man
GenII Hunter Knuppel2
Thanx all for the kind words! Very Happy

TempOzzy, ive ridden some bikes with some serious mumbo in the past, and i heed your words, this genII knows how to F#@K OFF!!

Am looking forward to taking her to the Island or Hidden Valley for some laps some day!!

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