out in the open - posted by raz
[Image: food-smiley-007.gif]
(Townsville, QLD)

www.stickersuperstore.com.au (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
Righto, this is the End, the model arrived today in the mail. My little guy will have a lot of fun putting it together.

Thanks Chris.

We all learn.


Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
posted by raz:

Sorry but thats not the end & its not good enough. What you did & how you went about it was totally wrong! so still STFU coz I am not finished by a long shot & like I said - because of you slandering my name everywhere over this forum & the BS you put up about me means I have f*** all chance of ever being a fun active member. Those who actually know me, know its all bullshit but I didn't see them saying shit about it - so stuff'em - let them think its the truth. Those who really know me - know who I really am.

I never lied - I said I was going to do things but as always they changed & for a number of reasons & it happens more in my life then you know. the way you carried on about it was totally f****d & like I said - I am not done.

PS: you earned me saying "f*** you" to moment you went about posting crap all over the place - accept you did wrong as I never intended not to send them on like you have carried on about & either way I still say your a f*** wit for what you've done. you can keep saying I am cryin about it - truth is I am still really pissed off & want revenge for the shit you have posted. so what was it again? IT guru/hacker vs man with big guns?

what was it you said in the many posts where you said a heap of crap about me?? ... oh - "Your move"? or something. revenge has many forms
great move by a guy threatning legal action. you have now just made your self the one threatening action. you proclaiming you want revenge will work really well for you in a civil action case especially when its this public

disca / Raz... whomever you are.

If you intend to threaten legal action against whomever writes comment or content that serves to denigrate you and injure your reputation here, then take a long hard look at the most damaging comments in this thread.

There truly is a lot of content that makes you look like a goose - and you should be angry about it.


I don't know you and I've got nothing against you. I think my reputation for even-handedness and a fair go for all on this board speaks for itself. So, in all sincerity let me ask you to please let this whole thing drop. It's the best thing for you and it's the best thing for the board.

Take a deep breath. No-one wants you to leave, no-one has asked you to leave, no-one is going to make you leave. If you leave, its because you decide to go, not because anyone pushed you out. You've got it in your head that everybody hates you. No. That's just not the case.

What I believe everybody would like to see is an end to the hostilities and a resumption of normality.

Ok... I can see you're stressed and I'm sure there are lots of things in your life causing you to feel that way. But don't let this board be one of those stress points. Raz.... just forget it. Expend your energy on sorting out the important things in your life and getting yourself to a better place.

Let it go. Forget it. I know you're angry and I'm asking a lot. But honestly, in a week no-one will even remember this thread. It will be floating somewhere near the bottom of the pile gathering cyber-dust. If you piss off now, it achieves nothing. Why do that to yourself? You're a member here and despite what you think, there are no ill feelings towards you that I'm aware of.

If being a welcome member of this board is important to you, then it can help you de-stress. Walking away now deprives you of that outlet. Let the board be part of your 'better place'.
Well said Astro catch up soon Raz or if your down my way call in for a chat Pi_thumbsup
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Shit dude give yourself a week and get over it.You,ll get more respect that way than holding a gut full of resentment.People cane you some times and sometimes no one is there to save you,its life.If you haven,t had your old man sort you out lately for some bad habits,you,ll certainly be sorted out here,perhaps with less compassion.My skins alot thicker these days with the shit i,ve copped but in person you call them a c*** and leave it at that.Now do something with your wheels you silly c***.Lol2get it? sometimes the words used SOUND harsher than the point being made.Knuppel2Boobies4
why don't you fight like a real man razz ?I don't think fuckwits like you are really welcome here ? You won't gain any friends around here with that legal crap , so go f*** yourself tosser. P.S i bet you like it out in the open , right up your anal canal homo?
pink pantys 4 every one .see you in hell bitches
I'm resigning.

Busdriver (aka Les)
this is sooooo much fun. It's like a soap opera without the bad acting.
some of you drongos really do confirm the old saying about growing old without growing up.
So person "A" put up some models at Jindy for charity......then for whatever reason, farked up and didn't get around to sending them out as quickly as he should. One of the winners, Person "B" starts pissing tears (and vitriol) about it and then then the schoolyard bravado complete with 3rd party anecdotal analogies kicks in.
People who really should know better, use the excuse "It's the principle of the matter" to justify over-reacting. People who should know better use the excuse "you don't know my problems" to justify not doing things they have said they will.
In my mind (and I'm sure a lot of the other members) both of the guys involved in this matter have behaved as childishly as each other, for different reasons.
With all due respect, pull your heads in. reading some of the crap about defamation/slander and the "you gonna come over, you better bring some mates" lines, just makes me laugh. It's like being back at school......Lol3
Ok time to lock the thread. max had said his piece and even apologised for coming on hardball. Raz will have none of it and has made his answer known, so thats it as far as Im concerned, both parties have replied and made their intentions or opinions known. plenty other 2 c worth harping in but serves no one. so time to lock it. Neither Max nor Raz can go back on what theyve said. So matter is now closed.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.

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