out in the open - posted by raz

I am only posting this because of what Max has done & to let everyone know what I just sent him!

Firstly - due to massive personal issues things were delayed. most out of my control. Thats all I am going to say about that.

But what Max has done.... is blown this way out of line & tried to f*** me over as much as he can. And for what? Maybe he thought it was going to make me do something quicker? well he is wrong!

Because of this I am seeking legal advise & action! Never before have I had to leave a club because of some smack tard doing this.

I have read over what he has said & taken copies.

Also - he has said that other say they have been ripped off - please PM this account because I dont owe ANYONE money or anything else & have not ripped off ANYONE here at all. So if you feel that I owe you something. I want to know about it.

This is a PM I just sent off to Max. I am so angry about what he has done I dont want to send anything to him at all & why the f*** should I after what he has done? I hear others didn't get their stuff from Jindy as well but yet I am the one thats been singled out? Maybe because those whom are waiting on stuff are not as much as a prick as you max?

It really shows just who is here in these clubs & what kind of people are really here. Max has kept saying I took up money for these - which is totally wrong. I am no company or even work for a company right now. Its just something I thought would be good - but getting close to Jindy I didn't want to do it anymore - for a number of reasons - as it was I ran short on cash for Jindy because I had given money to others to help them make Jindy. But on my way back I was forced to go hume because I couldn't make the other way due to me helping others.

The thanks for that is what I have seen others & Max post. Thanks - really showed your guys thanks.

also this is my last PM to Max. I am disgusted by what Max has posted & said. So I am taking this to a very serious level.
Its stupid Max - because I quit my job I was sending everything anyway - but then you went & did all this.

Quote:I am using my friends account & just read over the shit you have posted about me all over the forum & have taken copy's. I took up NO money for this Max. How dare you do that to me? The others will get their prizes - as for you - I am talking to someone about this in a legal sense & you can get stuffed. I am going to talk to Richard who setup Jindy & inform him that because of what you have done I now refuse to send you the prize at all & wish to keep it for myself or do something else with it - sell it maybe.

Also to add to that - since I am out of pocket for these by 180 bucks. I will be asking what Richard wants to do. Because of you Max I can never come back here again or on any ride! your c__t! thats what you are mate. You made this way worse then it was & gone all over the forum to try & screw me over. and why?! because you didn't believe something I said? I had not heard from you in ages & then this? I have the models in my hand & I am going to the post office right now - but because of what you did - you wont be getting yours at all!

because of you I can no longer be with a bike club I loved or enjoy at all!

So you can get stuffed - I have your address & after speaking to legal counsel you can expect a letter coming to your door & I will be hunting down your phone number to contact you!


so because I have decided that Max will not get this prize due to his actions - I will be contacting Richard or someone to work out what will happen.

Good bye & to those people I had fun with on rides & what not - thanks. But this has destroyed what I thought for me was a great place to be. All because of one person's actions.
Dont want to rain on your legal parade and not having anything to do with this im not commenting on whats happened but maybe before seeking legal action(expensive for both parties) take a breath and think how deep are you gonna end up? legal action in my experience has gotten people to two places.
1) in debt and suffering bad health from stress and the like of the situation.
2) 6 foot under from a heart attack due to stress

at the end of the day its not worth it for anyone except lawyers. Best bet is to play the xbox or soemthing simlar blow some shit up in the imaginary world and let off some steam. there is no reason (that i know of) that you cant remain a part ofthe club. this club is about one thing our love of our bikes. sure we have lotsa ups and downs and all manner of other problems but in the end we are all here for the same reason. like i said blow some shit up on the xbox or computer blow off your steam that way then pack some lunch jump on your bike and go for a nice picnic along your favourite stretch of road.

Dan85 Wrote:Dont want to rain on your legal parade and not having anything to do with this im not commenting on whats happened but maybe before seeking legal action(expensive for both parties) take a breath and think how deep are you gonna end up? legal action in my experience has gotten people to two places.
1) in debt and suffering bad health from stress and the like of the situation.
2) 6 foot under from a heart attack due to stress

at the end of the day its not worth it for anyone except lawyers. Best bet is to play the xbox or soemthing simlar blow some shit up in the imaginary world and let off some steam. there is no reason (that i know of) that you cant remain a part ofthe club. this club is about one thing our love of our bikes. sure we have lotsa ups and downs and all manner of other problems but in the end we are all here for the same reason. like i said blow some shit up on the xbox or computer blow off your steam that way then pack some lunch jump on your bike and go for a nice picnic along your favourite stretch of road.
+1 is this really worth the drama?

Lawyer$: Read Roll

Lawyer$ looooove $hit fight$.........hell....they'll even fan the flame$ for you (once you $trike the match ). Yes
Never ride the A model of anything.
Here, here.
Take a deep breath and relax (both parties), life is too short. Just check out another thread here and figure out what is important in life. Lawyer jokes are so true!
Is it OK for guys on bikes to kiss and make up?
No comment on the original argument, I dont know the details.

Dont know why you even bothered to post the above ranting pile of drivel, if you are leaving the club then do it - if not then stay - bothers me none either way it's entirely your decision.

If either party f****d up then admit to it - get over it - and we can all be happy families again Pi_tongue
+1 Bruce Clap
OK I'll chime in for what it worth, all the above sentiments i agree with but lets put things into prespective.

Max had a gripe and a justified one. Its not unreasonable for him to expect someone to live up to their committments. He tried privately but felt as time went by it got him no where, so in the end, you Chris forced him to go public, which he did. I felt he came down hard and didnt need to do so but were all different in how we react. Each to theyre own.

Chris, Ive met you a few times and have nothing against you personally. But you fuked up here and the sensible approach would have been to say "People I apologise but due some personal shit I have been lapse in what I committed myself to do for the winning members. I am getting onto it straight away and will be sending out the goods as promised within a week". Hey its ok to say i fuked up, we all do were all human. But you reacted the other way and backed yourself into a corner to do what you never intended doing by quitting.

So my suggestion is to Chris just make a public apology for the delay in meeting your obligations, do what has to be done and get back to doing the things you enjoy and stay with us. Put it in the past and move on.

Max, whilst you had every right in publicly declaring your gripe on the matter, you also may have gone a bit overboard by hounding him in every thread. Once made public it would have been reasonable to give the guy a week or two to make up his mistake, instead of blasting him at every thread, but I know your a hard nut and your just reacting as you would normally do. So if Chris were to apologise to you and those he may have caused ill feeling, perhaps you to will find it in your heart to not only forgive him but also to apologise for coming onto him a little harder then you should have.

Ok Ive said enough. So the ball really is in Chris's court first. He can do as I suggested and perhaps Max will also do as I suggested and we can all kiss and make up and get on with what we love doing best, namely being a group of like minded people whose bikes brings us together for better or for worse. Or continue the shyte flying back and forth.

Over to you Chris/Raz.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Well said Volvi.
lets all hug
Spot on. How much do you charge?
See, I left home the other day, and the car started to sputter and stopped. So I went home....
bear Wrote:Spot on. How much do you charge?
See, I left home the other day, and the car started to sputter and stopped. So I went home....

Bear what are you saying ?
If you need a mechanic, i would be happy to look at it for you, and im not sure about all this luvy duvy kiss and cuddle group hug stuff,

Bloody East coast Poofs. FatmanLol2
Its refreshing to not be involved for a change.I told raz very early on to thicken his skin or he won,t last.When you are younger it isn,t easy to toughen up.Public exposure to your personality or actions keeps your mouth shut and your ears open,just like god intended.Now everyone get down to the great western hwy at mt druit.Apparently there,s a great street racing scene there.Police
Being a spring chicken my self(well compard to you git old bastards anyway(22)) i take offence! actualy i dont care cause well i just dont.

I hope you guy's can work this out and be civil with each other's again.

Biker Peace :aussie
never fly higher than your angel.

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