yeh Shanes a tuff bloke when ya talk with him on the Phone you wouldnt even know that he had a finger lopped off sounds all nice and chirpy. Oh well we were suppose to be riding this Saturday but we might wait until Stumpy heals a bit more Good to still have ya around Shane it could have so much worse that just losing a bit of a finger Just think you can buy Gloves cheaper now a little bit less leather needed
f*** mate glad you came out of it reasonably unscathed (except for the missing bits:eyes:) more importaintly whats happening with the bike???

(seriously glad your ok mate)
Hey mate get well soon! I'll be up your way in a few weeks and will try and have a beer with you.
Could have been worse... your sms fingerScary Lol3 go the blues.
You f*&^ing wanna be copy catPi_tongue. Pussied out and chopped the little one off did we - what a girl. Violin
Nothing but a flesh wound.

Can I have the bit they cut off????Coolsmiley

Chicks love scars, and you'll be able to scare all of your nieces and nephews with wild stories of how you really lost it.
Take care mate
Sorry to hear you hurting again my my friend. get well soon hey

TheShredder Wrote:Hey guys thanks for the best wishes
Feeling like shit today.
I think the only thing that kept me going was the fact i was so pumped up from being pissed off knowing the bike was going to have damage. But when i stopped & got the glove off i knew i was in a bit of trouble. It was a bloody, crushed ,ripped,mangled mess.

I do feel very lucky as it could have been a lot worse.
The bike's only major damage is the nose cone, which will need replacing, & left blinker. The side panel has some scuff marks only.

Now i have 1 like yours bruceEek
[Image: IMGP2866.jpg]

Bullshit Shredder ,, thats Troy Bayliss's hand ...
tell sherddered all the best and a speedy recovery from me & my better half
Geeze Shane... like everyone else has already said, I'm glad you're still with us. Sucks about the pinky, damn shame. Hope you heal real fast and it doesn't impede you too much.

A month from now in a pub up north. Shane surrounded by women. All intently listening to his war story....

"Well, it wasn't until after I'd poked out both the White Pointers eyes that I realised he'd gnawed on me pinky. Then I got really angry !"

or was it....

"Well, I was just about to overtake Valentino at 370km/h, when...."

or maybe....

"and just then, the wall collapsed - and as I threw myself over the small child to protect it from the impact, 30 tonnes of concrete and steel crashed down... on my pinky"

but no... more suspense...

The interrogator walked over to the table with the 15 inch hunting knife and said "Tell me what I want to know, or I'm gonna start mailing pieces of you home". So I slammed my left hand on the table and asked him if he wanted the friggin' address!

nah.... lets go for...

"I was starving and just forgot where the end of the hamburger was"

All the best.... theres nothing you can do about it now (unless theres a donor scheme for pinkies I've not heard about) ... so milk it for all you can get !
No good dude.I guess you,ll have to stick with stockie clutch springs for that turbo.
Sorry to hear it man,god i hate trucks,an truckies,hell my mates a truckie an tell
him all the time lol.
Hope your doing good mate.
You still have you middle finger to give that pooftas truck,the bird :)

get well soon bloke.

I am relieved to hear your ok Shane.

I hope your Pinky mends quickly.:rolleyes:
never fly higher than your angel.
Sorry to hear the bad luck Shane. No doubt it would have been worse had it not been for your ability on a bike.
Heal quick mate.
On the plus side....How cool is that to have an injury similar to Troy Bayliss.
Major Bummer Shane!!! Good to hear your OK on the overall and the new Black Beasty can be back together easy.
See you back on board soon.

get well soon Shane... sorry to hear... will chat up with you soon too.. I live in Toowoomba now.
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)

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