Sydney Riders
We want photos, guys, and we want them up in the photos section!
well guys, the ride is really shaping up! If you havent been to wollombi pub its quite a scene! Lots of interesting characters - its an old timber pub in a beautiful spot. Lovely country on the way there too. Id say that it would basically be an all day ride by the time we have lunch at the pub. And Keiths estimate of 3 hours to get there is about right - depends how long we stay at mt white (if we do stop there) bye, fenda
Can't pass Mt White without stopping for my usual toasted chicken and cheese sandwich? Looking forward to the trip keep me posted.
Sounds like the Sydney contingent is really getting it all together. Good work guys, hope the day is a real success, keep the speeds just below warp and watch out for those radars.

At this rate of expansion the annual meet should be a really cool event.

Regards to all
Cheers to all,
Why the hell didn't we do this before now?? I can't wait!
What about our mates from Canberra? Heidi waddaya reckon??

I've never been to Wollombi but isn't that the place you get Dr Jerd's Jungle Juice? (I wonder how it compares to Optimax.)
Correct re the Jungle Juice Frosty - I run it my bike all the time, but the busa does tend to weave all over the road ...... bye, fenda
G'day Guys,
I am exiled over here in WA but I am originally from Sydney and a regular of the original crew from Mt. White. If you have been on the road to Wolombi before good, but if you have not on the run down the mountain from Peats Ridge there is one right hand turn on the down hill section that must be treated with caution. I can't remember how far down the mountain it is but be careful, it tightens up and lots of bikes have been into the guard rail there. Other than that it's a top ride, you can also do the best part of the Putty Road as well, it's not that far away. Just don't drink too much Dr. Jurdes Jungle Juice!!!!

PS: there was a Clay in our group, used to ride a White/BlueGSXR1100J,then Tiger Fireblade then Black/OrangeFZR1000...... if it is the same guy, tell him Jeff from WA says hello!!

Do any of you guys know Seddo, Alex,The Big Kahuna?
Actually we have done it before back in September .. got 7 bikes then.

There were photos here but they gone missing ... (I'll find them and replace them) ...

Myself, Fenda & Guy were there plus Danny (wollongong) & Les from Newcastle, Gary and one other ...

Gary has since sold his Busa and haven't heard from the others for a while ...
Would love to attend as I live on the Central Coast. However, I will be out of the country that weekend. I will certainly attend the next ride up in this area.

I would LOVE to come Frosty! The first thing I did when I saw the post was check the diary. I am helping run a familiarisation course that weekend at the War Memorial. I thought I could scoot up the highway and come, but no chance. DAMMIT!


It's really great seeing you guys finally organising yourselves, and creating ride days. Theres nothing like 10-20 busas all together down a highway.

I'll never forget, when once riding around the back roads with Jamie leading us, with some black sports car ahead deciding to join the fray, taking his car to 180 or so, then Richard in front of me decided he was gonna show them what a busa was about, so he overtook that car maybe at 200, well I could'nt help showing Richard what the Busa was really capable off, so I overtook him screaming a 280 or so....then whilst doing this speed my grin turned to shock when I saw up ahead someone pointing a contraption at me from the side of the road, thinking to myself, thats it I'm truly fu..ked now, do I do a runner or what? nothing but doom and gloom, until I was just passing that person, did I see he was holding a video camera with his kid next to him and his car parked on the side. Obviously seeing a busa or 2 passing him, thought this would be a great opportunity to film some, and boy did he get some footage, especially the multiple overtakes.

So theres nothing like riding with a bunch of busas, just ride within your own boundaries and carefull not to egg on another rider thats riding at his max. The name of the game is to have fun but survive it to share the moments with another.

So good onya guys and girls, get it happening and dont let up, and theres no reason why other states can't get organised, even if its just with a few riders. So cummon QLD, SA, WA. Shucks having said that wheres our Vic group? and wheres their enthusiasm? Interstaters start your engines ...... in a new topic, and get it happening, only this way can a national meet really happen with 50+ Busas. Good luck all and safe riding.
I like to stand on an overpass with a hairdryer pointed at cars. Apparently it is highly illegal, but damn funny.
I am sure that you would have plenty of options for things to point at people for a laugh, seeing that you are from Canberra !!

That's really funny Heidi, just as well you own a Busa to outrun them after they realise :)

I think we're gonna have to organise a Heidi tour for the Sydney riders .....
Let's do a Heidi Tour!

It was great meeting Volvi and Les on my stomping ground and keep in mind we have porn AND crackers here!

We have the BEST STUFF!

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