Sydney Riders
Sydney Riders (or anyone interested)
Well boys and girls the weather is starting to get colder and unless you like to ride dressed up like the Michelin man there aint much riding left so i would like to see if we could get together for a ride .So if there are any suggestions where and when lets get together my e-mail is

awaiting some response
Sounds good, drop a line on and we'll sort it.
Fox, Fenda, wadaya reckon?
Great idea! Depends on how long a ride - I recently did a ride to Bathurst on some great back roads (could be a bit cold though now for that part of the world)
How Wollombi or Putty road? bye, fenda
Sounds good.Count me in. (
How about the weekend of 9-10 June or the 23-24 June? I prefer Saturday rides cause there are less 'sunday drivers, but that day mightnt suit some. Suggested ride that is not too long - old road to Mt White and then on to Wollombi pub for lunch and return. Fox and I often start rides from a great cafe at the cross, Coluzzis, either that or meet at Berowra mobil.
Come on Sydney riders - lets see how many Busas we can get together for this ride! If we get enough maybe we can get Aus Motorcycle News to take a piccy ..... bye, fenda
Count me in guys!!
and most any ride on teh weekends, drop me an e-mail or give me a call on 0413 056 329

OK thats sound like a good start those dates also sound good, Saturday is probably harder for some but Im ok with either .What time do you usually meet at the cafe which reminds me I met a couple of of Busa riders at Sydney City Motorcycles one day I think I've still got there Phone numbers one is good for saturday only so we will see ok so at this stage I would be happy with that But If there are other suggestions lets look but as we all know sometimes the best days are the ones done in a hurry we have 4 at the stage thats a good start.
I haven't asked any other riders on NON BUSA'S but Im ok with that idea to get the numbers up for a good day out just a quick vote a simple Yes or No next time here from those riders interested will be fine and should not offend anyone not me anyway. The more Busa's we get the less likley we would want to make up the numbers.
Saturday the 23rd looks good for me. Sunday's are usually the day I get parolled by the boss but that Saturday would be cool if agreeable to the others.
Fenda's right, Bathurst will be chilly but up the old Pac' stop at Mt White and then on to Wollombi sounds cool. I've never been up that way.
Down through the National Park, lunch at the boat harbour, down to Jambaroo and then up the pass to Robertson is also a reasonable trip. Would be nice on the coast but cool on top.
BTW, tried to call on the weekend but no reply, will try again this evening.
Cheers guys,
p.s. Good to see so many Sydney riders interested!!!!
why dont we go with the 23rd June to wollombi then and see what response we get? What do you think Keith - the date and destination is your call i think.

Im ok in principle with other bikes coming but why dont we wait and see how many busas we get - if we invite other riders we may end up with a too big and unwieldy group? bye, fenda
That date is fine by me ... I agree it should just be Busa riders if we get enough as there is nothing like riding with just Busa ...!!
Count me in. I've finally got my bike back after my prang in January!!!!! I've got a back tyre to wear out ;-)
Ok so the current count is 7 Busas as Guy is coming too ...
Hi guys well the response has been good it looks like we now have 9 riders so I think we can go with BUSA'S only .
MT White to Wollombi is the most popular choice Meeting point is at cafe at the cross, Coluzzis, either that or meet at Berowra mobil that is just a suggestion alternate meeting points can be organised Lets try our best to keep the numbers up there

Thanks for the good responce
Make that 10 as Clay is coming too ..

Keith, what time should we leave Mt White do you suggest ... then we will know what time to leave Coluzzis or wherever we are ...

Also how long do you see the total ride being..? Edited by: Fox at: 5/30/01 12:32:24 pm
Hi Guy's
Fox I think that it shouldn't take anymore than 3 hours to get to Wollombi so 9:00Am should be ok I haven’t been there myself if anyone has then help out, we have some riders coming in from all directions We may have to meet somewhere central but that we can finalize later at the moment its still Coluzzis Riders so far are
Lethal Busa(Myself Keith)
Fenda (Dave)
Frosty (Steve)
Gregg1 (greg)
Jessie928 (jessie)
Guy Bower
Clay Carter

I have asked for Peter Lee's assistance in emailing to other members that I cant contact That is a further 19 members I don’t expect we would get them all but Ill try anyway I have also emailed another 3 some of witch Are from up there so it would be just to meet up with on the way or meet at Wollombi so lets keep our hopes up for a good attendance as it gets closer . I am extremely pleased so far
Thanks Guys
P.S feel free to offer any help or suggestions on times meeting points ect


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