Fastest Busas
Ok I have no idea whats going on. Just a bit of fun......see you all tomorrow night.
I'm not sure it IS Astro.

The Sith clouds our judgement...
What !?! Me ! A sith lord ! Pffft !

Lower the dosage boys, it's starting to rot your brains.

This thread is like watching a "B" movie. Time to pull up a chair and munch some popcorn... see what happens next. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Well, you can forget your troubles with those blue silver Imperial slugs. I told you I'd outrun 'em.

Yes, a red ones strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side.
Always two there are.
One the master and one the apprentice.
But which one is Chunkylover, the master or the apprentice?
Errr... I DO ride a red/black bike ! (Check with Busgo... he's seen it). So... how can I be a Sith Lord ??

(Ok... so its a Honda... sorry... can't have everything...) The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... RobEdited by: AstroBusa at: 6/4/06 12:54 am
Braddo has spoken enough said
What have I started? I best be off to the Degabar System to find the Jedi Master Yoda. Only he can teach me to control the Force properly.

Only then will I be able to use the Jedi mind trick to control the Red and Black or Black and Reds from the Dark Side.

Beep Beep whistle

(It's Okay R2, I like to keep it on manual for a while)
Watching this skirmish from afar I've been.

Seems the force needs to concentrate power on that young sith chunky.

Remember mind games only work on creatures with a mind.

You must return to the Restaurent at the end of the universe to regroup.

Whoops wrong story.


I'm not using it anyway!
Quote:Remember mind games only work on creatures with a mind

HA HA HA HA : rollin

Don't worry Ray, many stories are in there if you look closely for references.

I can't beleive some of you clowns stayed up till 1:00 this morn on this thread

Thank heavens I know where my towel is ! Time to settle in with a Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster or two and watch Yoda and Slartibartfast play chess whilst discussing the intricate features of fjords.

Must away, have a lunch booking at Milliways to watch the end of the Universe and I don't want to be late - otherwise I'll miss the beef.

See ya later cool and froody dudes.

p.s. - Is that a cloud, or a Vogon Destructor fleet ? The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Dudes, you shouldn't smoke that stuff so early in the morning...

would that stuff were smokin be high octain fuel and burning rubber .must be smokin the Busa bong then

Don't be late to meet the meat.
Theres something really satisfying about a talking cow that comes to your table, highlights its most tender cuts and then goes out back and shoots itself so your meal can be cooked.

(As opposed to being served by a talking cow who won't come to your table, forgets to give you menu's, treats you like shit and then goes out back and spits in your food. Not that i really mind all that... its just that you have to shoot them yourself !) The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob

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