Fastest Busas - Printable Version

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Fastest Busas - Busdriver - 05-04-2006

I have to conceed that Black/Blue Busa (plural) must be the fastest. (Hey Max?)

But the question I have is,... does everyone else set their clock 15 minutes ahead so that everything on their bike is fast?

Re: Fastest Busas - simmo - 05-04-2006

Busdude, on the Fastest Copper ones, when you head out of your driveway for a ride they are so bloody fast you have to wave to yourself coming home.

Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!

Re: Fastest Busas - Busdriver - 05-04-2006

Hey Simmo,

Your last line "Aren't all Busas Copper" Reminds me of the old saying :All Coppers are bastards"


Re: Blue/Silver - bandit17172 - 05-04-2006

m8ee i i'm a red and black boy and i'm prepared to watch your back
Edited by: bandit17172 at: 5/4/06 7:53 pm

Blue/Silver - DAN85 - 05-04-2006

I agree the blue/blacks are the fastest taht is till a blue silver turns up. now before you say uve never seena fast blue silver thats cause there sooooooooo fast you see them move.

Re: Blue/Silver - m8ee - 05-04-2006

This is red brigade squadron leader calling for backup, we have a code blue over here Pan - require assistance - STAT!!

better red than dead - pan - 05-04-2006

I copy loud and clear Bravo Leader.
Prepare for attack...
"riding, not posting... as much"

better red than dead - pan - 05-04-2006

Oh you've HEARD me, but you gotta move your head quick to see me!
"riding, not posting... as much"

Re: Blue/Silver - m8ee - 05-04-2006

That's the way boys!!! cover the flanks, cut off the rear guard and move in for the kill!!!! - why do you think the smilie is red

better red than dead - pan - 05-04-2006

I got the squadron ready to attack captain...

Re: better red than dead - bandit17172 - 05-04-2006

I'll take high cover boys

make sure the sneaky bugga's dont ambush us

Re: better red than dead - bandit17172 - 05-04-2006

look out heres a sneaky sod now


Re: better red than dead - chunkylover - 05-04-2006

Pink bikes are faster? what?
Feel the force. ANGGI

Re: better red than dead - m8ee - 05-04-2006

Silver raider at 3 o'clock!! prepare lasers - concentrated attack!! - use the force Pan, I think he is Jedi.

Pfft ! Funny guys ! - AstroBusa - 05-04-2006

In the meantime, a pack of blue/silvers has zoomed past so quickly that the red/black squadron never see's them.

Which is unfortunate because the blue/silvers make a swift (and vital) turn to a new heading of 275 degrees and arrive safely at their destination moments later.

Having missed the heading change, (plainly documented on their flight plan) the red/black squadron continues on in a mass self-appreciation frenzy.... enters the Bermuda Triangle... and is never seen again.

End of Story.

Back at the squadron barracks, the blue/black and blue/silver pilots are lounging around wondering "Where do you reckon those knuckle-head red/black guys got to ???"

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob