2006 ZX-14 vs. Hayabusa Review
A lady walks into a barber shop and says, "do you do nail polishing?"

Barber says, "no madam, we only do men's haircuts. We like doing men's haircuts. We do them well."

Lady says, "yeh but the store across the road does nail polishing, so why do you have a sign saying 'just haircuts' on your door? Why do you carry on about your haircuts when you can't even polish nails?"

Barber says, "well madam, we only do men's haircuts. We like doing men's haircuts. We do them well."

She carries on, "but if it came down to doing nail polishing you'd looooooose... there are others out there that do nails better than you, so stop bragging about what you do well."

Barber says, "sorry madam, you see we only do men's haircuts. We like doing men's haircuts. We do them well."

Edited by: pan  at: 20/7/06 11:09 am
+ 1 Holger

spamanglenn, I can see both points of view which is why both you and Rocket are valued members of the club - regardless of what you ride. You can choose to read Rockets comments as a caustic rant against the busa or you can choose to read them with an open mind and a sense of humour.

As regards making suggestions about who deserves to stay and who should go - rest assured, if anyone was becoming a real problem, the management would be onto it.

Don't feel you have to take on that responsibility on our behalf.

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
ermm I thought this topic was about the ZX14, do most topics have to end up with a rocket rod show? his shows only perform when he has an audience, I choose not to be part of the audience otherwise have nothing against him personally.
I went for a quick run into the city yesterday to drop a letter off - on the way back I lanesplit to the front as I could see another biker there - was a zx14.

visors up - we nodded at each other (i was waiting for the staging lights!) a couple walked across the intersection and the guy said to his lady "Look there's a hayabusa - nice"

and cop this - mr zx shook his head - ah priceless!

True story - actually he said "Look there's an unrestricted red rocket and check out the bling baby! Don't know why they bothered making any other colours - they've just never been the same since!

I wasn't listening - too busy his missus
In my mind I put her over the pits and gave her a quick grease and oil change


Edited by: RuffRed at: 20/7/06 2:29 pm
The Rocketboy is amusing with his jousts at us. he keeps us honest and did afterall walk away from the Busa because it was too much for his licence. He ended up riding a Honda, two bloody Hondas wasn't it Rocketman? He just wishes he was still riding a busa, that's why he hangs around this list; reminds me of an old public service joke - How can you tell public servants? Answer - they get around in groups of three, one can read, one can write and the third can't do either, he just likes to be seen hanging out with intellectuals.
That's Rocketboy - just likes being seen hanging around .....faster bikes!

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Why dont you guys read this all in context.
I actually stood up for the busa.It was mentioned that the xz was a poofteenth faster than the busa and i said,so what,you could make that up in rider ability.
Then spaman you chime in with whatever shit you were on about,and i commented on the shit you were on about thats all.
As a famous person once said
Quote:Anybody can ride a fast bike,but not everyone can ride a bike fast.
Volvi,you are dead right,throw out the line with the right bait and reel them suckers in.

Its not the phantom anymore,its the urban assault legend!
It's not the phantom anymore,its the urban assault legend!

How about comment from ?

If nuthin else,i can certainly get the thread count up.
Its not the phantom anymore,its the urban assault legend!
Keep the humour light rocket and we,ll get along fine. Glenn the Spa Man

Well, what was the opening visual from The Worlds Fastest Indian

Something like

"Sacrifices To The God Of Speed " ......yeah ?

So what have you dudes sacrificed

Rocket chipped in with his licence, I've gone close, (ease up ) so what have you bludgers been doing for the cause

And if Rocket ever starts to piss me off I'll know then that my time on a busa is up

Anyway when I came in here about 5 years ago, old Rocket was already here tossing hand grenades around so he's got seniority rights over me

Had a look at the ZX14 today at sydney city motorcycles, didnt like it at all... looks like a bunch of plastic bags microwaved together. And people say that the busa is ugly! Whos ugly now... he he he
Feel the force. ANGGI

My licence twice.............

Countless points.............

Countless dollars in fines................

Never Ending dollars on Bling and running costs....

A crash that put me in an Ambulance and with a written off Busa without insurance....

Then there's the top end runs bouncing off the rev limiter...................

Met some top blokes along the way. Yep your one of them Rocketman....

Is it worth it???

You guys know the answer....

Now back to the topic! What was it again ??????
Well aftter runing a few high 9's@149.5mph, on my Bus.

there wont be any ZX14's that will be catchnig me over the

1/4. I had 3 bike length's on another Busa at the strip on

Saturday...There is still another half a second in it for sure

Thats my 2 cents worth on the ZX14 debate...c ya

Regards Richard.......have Bus will Race
At least you give us shit to laugh at Rod. better than throwing shit mate.


Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

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