reverse blocking an arrogant prick
U can & should do a

third party recovery claim on her
Insurance policy

Fix ur bike like new & they sting her

Just inform her insurer Of your intention,
Via your insurance co'
yeah sorted all that out corbin. I fixed most of the damage last night and the chick has offered to pay herself for whatever parts needed to be replaced on the bike.

I'll give her the chance to come good on her offer, and if not, I've still got all her details to claim on anyway, so either
way I'm covered.
Tell her she can have the op to work it off and come to some agreement...

Glad to hear your ok mate.
^Thats all well and good as long as she isn't a Susanne Boyle lookalike
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast
You are brave bastards There are crazy's out there just as likely to run you over just for sport I keep away from them. Either leave them for dead or stay behind but never mess with the unstable.

(09-05-2013, 12:45pm)Busarider Wrote: Some real dick wads out there, i came up to a set of lights and crept passed 2 cars to the front and just as the amber light went for the cross traffic the prick behind meIdiot2 sped off around me scaring the shit out of me I caught him and followed him onto the motorway all the way he was hitting his forehead like i was the dickhead so as I passed him i gave his mirror a tickle, didn't know mirrors on ford where so brittle.Lol3

I'm with Landmine. We've all been there but every time I get home from an "incident" like that on the road I think to myself... that could have gone so wrong.

Wise words Landmine although in the heat of the moment it's easier said than done sometimes.
When I see idiots doing some of the things they do, I always have to refrain from losing my cool with them. Especially lately after my recent prang. I'm ready on standby!
Hey Paul, hope you're okay fella, gotta put the pictures up bloke!

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I have always been commuting to or from work when I have had bad encounters with car drivers.

I've managed to refrain from kicking panels and mirrors for one reason only. I travel the same route every day and I figure there's a good chance that the prick in the car does too. If he happens to recognise me on another occasion I reckon there's a good chance he'll be looking to get revenge and I probably won't see it coming.
Have had a couple occasions where nutters have gone as far as trying to run me off the road after I've filtered past them at the lights. I've contemplated taking their rego and going to the cops, but figure it's a waste of time. I've always just ended these encounters at the next intersection with a bit of verbal abuse about "what will happen next time they try that shit".
If it's too loud....You're too old!
If it's too fast....You're too old!
If it's too sexy....You're ???

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