Track Days @ Eastern Creek
So far..
Maybe Max from ACT.
Chris (Mexican) any more from Vic?
Mick,Matt and 1 friend = 3
confirmed 13( not inc. Max and Chris.)
I would like to confirm all riders please, on this forum
for Sunday 15Th .. Cheers,
Kawasuki<i>Edited by: kawasuki at: 9/1/06 3:48 pm
Hi Ray,
I would love to but my tyre man - Hal from TJ's Tyres in Canberra is away until the 16th and my rear Viper is about f****d. I'm going to have to ride to and from work quietly this week to avoid the plod. No one else is keeping Vipers inthis town. Going to try the Kwaka Wacker shop Monday as a last ditched try. If so, then I'll be there, if not, wont make it. There isn't enough tyre left on the back to get me to Sydney without running into trouble with the cops. More info Monday evening.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Max have you tried the 012ssr?? Cheers,
Do you want me to pay earlier or is on the day OK? Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson

Chris are you still in for E/C 15th.? Cheers,
hey there fkrs, the 15th is coming up. Is the trackday still on. Where we meeting , what time etc bla blac. frack im xcited. A track day on the bussa.. Yeeeehaaa..

R&B Bussa<i></i>
Yeh still on .At the Creek 8am. Cheers,
Track days for Sat & Sunday booked out..
When you turn up there 8am go to the Trackstars garage its about the 3rd one up from were the main garage is or next to the scrutineer bay.. 8am,8am.. Cheers,
Kawasuki<i>Edited by: kawasuki at: 13/1/06 9:51 pm
Well its the 14th. That means only one sleep to go. Yeeha. Am so looking forward to punting the bus at the creek.

See you guys there on Sunday 8am.

R&B Bussa<i></i>
Forecast tomorrow is possible shower, 21-24
Temp is good, and I'm guessing it'll be unlikely that you see any rain.

Let me know what speeds you reach on the straight, though please ride safely and have a great day.

Post them pics when you can...

"good times spent with friends, and nothing else matters..."<i></i>
Thanks Pan, anyone got a movie camera to tack a few picks??? Cheers,
Sorry Kawasuki I cannot go due to bloody family commitments, I have relos over from W.A. at the moment and cannot get out of last day get together. Definately interested in next one though. <i></i>
Thank you for a great day. I was nervous as hell to begin with but soon settled down, used just over a tank of fuel and am tired as hell. Got to meet Keith Code and was given a few pointers that really helped. Eastern Creek is a challenging track but bloody good fun even at the turtles pace I was running. Awsome day cant wait for the next one. Superbike school tomorrow so may be able to keep up next time.

Below are a couple of pics of the 014 that I fitted yesdterday.
Tyco you are da man


See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson

<i>Edited by: Blackzook at: 15/1/06 6:07 pm
Thanks Bruce, yeh it takes the piss out of you. Hope you have a good day Monday. We will do it again and we should get a few more Busa's there , we were out numbered by the Ozsportsbike club, I think they got a bit of a shock to see the Bus go around the track.. Cheers,
Reply back to my age-old question...
Did anyone look at the speedo?

"good times spent with friends, and nothing else matters..."<i></i>

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