Track Days @ Eastern Creek - Printable Version

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Track Days @ Eastern Creek - kawasuki - 14-07-2005

Anyone like to do a track day at the creek.??

30th July Sat.
31st July Sun. <i>Edited by: Djpete&nbsp; at: 3/9/05 3:34 pm

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - Neil - 14-07-2005

would love to, but have been warned not to do any track days within 3 months of my wedding, in case of injury ... my fiancee ( ) doesnt want me dancing our bridal waltz on crutches

will head back out to the creek in november

i am however looking for an all busa escort from sydney to razorback for my wedding on 2 october

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - 1hotBUSA - 14-07-2005

Should be OK for that Neil. In fact it should be fun, as long as I dont have to ride in the penguin suit. Are there going to be any good looking groupies there or should we bring our own.

Do the track day mate, ride within the limits.

Ray. Happy to do so. Let me know when you have spoken to Steve Brouggy re the camera and I will book in. Offer Steve a copy of the tape. Saturday would probably be preferred but if we end up running Sunday then that's fine. I'll be the slowcoach in B grade.

Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!<i></i>

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - pan - 14-07-2005

I'm out that weekend, but in for November. How early can we set a date for November (prefer Saturday) so I don't get rostered on for work?
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - kawasuki - 15-07-2005

Oct 1st Sat
Oct 22nd Sat
Nov 20th Sat
I will try to make one on the Sat July 30th or the Sunday31st
Just for Graham.

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - pan - 15-07-2005

I'm definitely in for the first of October.
Let us know details when you can (start and finish time, cost, stuff to bring, etc)
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - pan - 15-07-2005

Hey Kawasuki, I'm psyched about the Eastern Creek track day. I went out today and got some practice...

"sometimes, crime does pay"

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - 1hotBUSA - 18-07-2005

Hi there,

Contacted ASBS today and they basically said that it was against their policy for them to allow me to run the camera at Eastern Creek on one of their ride days, but if I wanted to I could pay $99 and use their camera bike for a session. That's double standards, and as a result until it changes I'm not participating. The Motoconcepts and Circuitbreakers days had no issue with the camera being on the bike.

I may do a club track day in the future, but am not making a special trip out there. Sho whatever date suits you, go for it Ray. Regards
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!<i></i>

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - kawasuki - 18-07-2005

Graham I will ring and ask a person I know there, see if I can get a favour. Cheers,

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - kawasuki - 26-07-2005

Graham had a talk re the camera no probs as long as it is
secure, they will also in future have a separate garage for the Busa club members when we get a few numbers intersted in
a track day. If we can get the 10 bikes it makes it very cheap
what do you think. Cheers,

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - 1hotBUSA - 26-07-2005

Hi Ray,

That is a great idea. Thank you for looking into the camera policy for me, it would have been a shame not to be able to run the thing at the creek.

Unfortunately, due to their earler crappy reply I spent the money on something else so I wont be going this time. There is a date in August coming up though isnt there? I would definately be prepared to book in for that.

Thanks for your help. See you at the next coffee night.

Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!<i></i>

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - kawasuki - 31-07-2005

Well Graham did it and survived, has a good time .
Now lets organise a group booking. If you likre you can check the dates and post it?? Cheers,

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - pan - 03-08-2005

Hi Ray. I just found out about a family do on the 1st of October I need to be at. I'm out for that, but will have a look at other dates nominated by others and let you know.

Gee, it's crappy trying to organise a day like this, isn't it? You'd think more of us would want to go...
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - kawasuki - 03-08-2005

Looks like it Pan, I think they rather practice there skills on the road Cheers,

Re: Eastern Creek/Track day. - pan - 03-08-2005

Is the 26th of November a possibility? We discussed it briefly at Parra tonight and late November could have a few more Busas showing up...
"sometimes, crime does pay"