cam chain tensioner
Quote:Hydraulic ones are mostly fool proof and since 01 reasonably reliable

"mostly" ?? and reasonably?? sorry - not good enough for me mate - those autos can let go & not adjust right at any time - if I snap on the throttle & it goes - cya engine - with the manual - it will always be adjusted correctly & wont get stuck like the auto ones. Each to their own but....

Mate - I only let either Balls or Pete touch my bike/engine - so if they don't do it right I'd be surprised!!

As for dealers?? are you kidding me? I have heard so many stories of them not even putting wheels back on right after putting on tyres - also they get friggen guys doing on the job training for bikes to work on the busa's - ggf'd! I say to dealers (Bunch of wankers) I pay for top service & someone who knows what they are doing.

only went to Pete after I had been told by members of the club he was good & that he had two busa's of his own, did the same with Balls & with 10/10ths up in sydney "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

Each to there preferences , there both way better than the original tensioners.

for sure

oh - sorry if that post came across as me having ago at ya not the case "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

No Probs Raz i'd rather have someone questioning my convictions than shutting up esp if i'm wrong?
Had this conversation with Pete before and was going to swap a manual gsxr for a hyd busa but they don't interchange , so i do have a manual tensioner and it works fine.
Its other people i don't trust! <i></i>
hehehe yeah - was not even questioning - just saying why I got them & what I have been told - but your right there & I am the same - would much rather have someone tell me if I am wrong anywhere "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

thanks guys for all the tips unfortunatley bike is still at the dealers waiting for Suzuki to send the valve guides as they have none in stock in australia so it is a special order from I assume japan.
i went and had a look at the bike the other day and there was no damage to the pistons that i could see and the mechanic at the dealers confirmed this but i will take my dad out for a look as he is a mechanic just to be on the safe side.
worst thing about it is that I will miss the tassie toy run this weekend which is one of the best weekends in the year for a ride down here as they usually get around 5000 bikes in the run which starts in burnie and ends in hobart so I am pretty pissed of about missing that ride!
Will keep you guys updated once I know more which I hope wont be to long.
Busa <i></i>
Sad to hear you miss the run mate.
Can't you ride with someone?
Can you post up how much the damage costs you in the end please? It is always good to know what these sort of problems cost to fix.

I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>
sorry i have not updated this subject for awhile but have been away on holidays.

Guys still waiting for the bike to be fixed as it needs one of the injectors replacing also there was no damage to any of the pistons,will hopefully have the bike back on the road first week in febuary at which time i will give you a full run down on the hole saga.

regards busa.
p.s one of my good mates was kind enough to lend me his RSV1000 for our toy run which was very good of him
Finally got the bike back today after the injector was replaced and although it took 3 months to fix Suzuki Australia payed for everthing to be fixed as after speaking with Brendon Gunton at Suzuki it turned out that the second recall for the cam chain tensioner problem had been sent out to the dealers about ten days before I bought the bike and they Sunstate Suzuki had not done it and had not told me that it needed to be done when I got the bike delivered to tassie so the dealer was at fault. I must say it definetly helped my cause by keeping all the documetation of when i first purchased the bike also I must say in my dealings with Brendan Gunton I never had any problems with him as long we dealt with the facts.
Thanks to all the guys who gave me advice on this matter especially club member pan from sydney for his advice.
Busa. <i></i>
Except for your extended time off the road, thats a good result busa.


I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>

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