Indicators as running lights
Put a Police-like spinning light on your helmet (yellow is best) and you'll been seen everytime.

Looking cool is over-rated. <i></i>
And as you ride, you can keep the visor up and yell 'WEEEE ORRRRRR..... WEEEEE ORRRRRRR' at cars as you go past. <i></i>
just import a jap spec busa apparently all there bikes come like that from factory but ask busdriver he was the one telling me Dirty Dan For Life<i></i>
Dan is correct.

when I was in Japan last year, I notice all the bike had their front indicators on as running lights and they would flash hen the indicator was activated.

One thing I did notice though. When it was dark it was a lot easier to tell it was a bike coming towards you and light a car with one headlight out.
<i>Edited by: Busdriver&nbsp; at: 4/10/06 5:25 pm

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