Government's Proposed 0.02 Blood Booze Reading
Drunks are easier to manhandle....easier fodder for the current day boy-in-blue
I don't know how many times at accidents I hear,

'But i didn't think....'

'its so unfair, I've never been caught before...(from someone who was not legal I think), had no phone, oops what was that heavy clunk that fell out of your handbag....

I don't think lowering the limit will lower the problem either. But what the ech is going on peoples, there is too much 'but I didn't think' going on, as well as responsiblility for actions. With the youngers ones its always someone elses fault.
Go hard, or Go home!
The people driving at .03-.04 aren't the problem. There not the ones having rediculous accidents becuase of alcohol. It's the idiot 20 year olds with 4 other people in the car that are 0.1+ that are the problem. Also seen a few times "older" people done for outrageous bac. I'd imagine that every accident involving someone under 0.05 but more than 0.02 would have happened if the person was stone sober in the same situation. Unfortunately we are part of a society now that punishes bad behavior rather than educating the bad behaviour out. Punishment is to late, we need to be getting rid of the problem before it even happens

Won't make any difference........dedicated boozers will drink & drive no matter what the legal limit is. In the meantime responsible drinkers won't be able to have a couple of standard drinks & drive home anymore.
Never ride the A model of anything.
(16-03-2010, 07:19pm)Rev Wrote: Won't make any difference........dedicated boozers will drink & drive no matter what the legal limit is. In the meantime responsible drinkers won't be able to have a couple of standard drinks & drive home anymore.

You have hit the nail on the head Rev
(16-03-2010, 07:30pm)simmo Wrote:
(16-03-2010, 07:19pm)Rev Wrote: Won't make any difference........dedicated boozers will drink & drive no matter what the legal limit is. In the meantime responsible drinkers won't be able to have a couple of standard drinks & drive home anymore.

You have hit the nail on the head Rev

Yes no more 1-2 drinks with a meal when you go out Pi_thumbsdown

Um yes waiter i will have the 1972 Bottled water with that i hear it was a good year Undecided
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
(15-03-2010, 12:01pm)big kev Wrote: what aprt of it is shite?? the fact that drink driveing kills people? or the fact you can only have 1 or even 2 beers or maybe 3 light beers?

bitch n moan now and they could mandate it to 0.00 Achole level truckies have to comply with the 0.00 booze level as well .

I never disputed the fact that drinking to excesss kills people.
The part I have issues with is where I can't have 1 beer at lunch or I'll be classified as a criminal if I get busted.
They should be targeting the .05+ drivers more heavily as they are the ones having the accidents.
yeah mate its shit for us normal people . i watched ACA last nite and some cocksucking wanker had made a program for GPS systems to tell them where booze buses are . i think that guy should have his fingers broken 1 by 1 hes enableing D/D to avoid the booze buses .

it really steams my cabbage
Quote from nine msn

Quote:A Canberra P-plate driver has been banned from the roads after being caught driving more than 19 times over the legal blood-alcohol limit.

Joanne Grosse, 21, could only "mumble" after being found slumped over the wheel of her Ford Laser on the side of the road, the ACT Magistrates Court heard.

"It appeared the vehicle had impacted the left-hand guttering and come to a stop," the Daily Telegraph reported police as noting after finding two of her car's tyres were deflated.

The court heard that Grosse, who already had a previous drink-driving conviction, continued drinking at home after a night out last November.

She allegedly consumed more wine about 7.15am before her boyfriend dropped her off at her car parked in the city.

An hour later she was found behind the wheel of the damaged car with a "strong smell of liquor".

Police recorded blood-alcohol concentration at 0.385.

The territory's maximum legal BAC for a P-plater is .02.

So it looks like .02 works well
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
I saw a good one on the M4 motorway yesterday in peak hour
a cop was testing a driver in the break down lane with his lights flashing on, the Red P plater next to me saw it pulled into the breakdown lane then reversed back up the motorway trying to get back to the last exit to get away,
What a dick head
(17-03-2010, 03:32pm)simmo Wrote: I saw a good one on the M4 motorway yesterday in peak hour
a cop was testing a driver in the break down lane with his lights flashing on, the Red P plater next to me saw it pulled into the breakdown lane then reversed back up the motorway trying to get back to the last exit to get away,
What a dick head

Nothing like drawing attention to yourself.....

I was driving from Dubbo to Brisbane last Sunday. A car went past me & I guess it was doing about 130klm/hr.
A while later, it passed me again. they must have stopped.
Right behind it was a police car with the lights flashing. Amazing they didn't stop. Just kept cruising on about 130 & out of my sight.
10klm's up th eroad I passed them on the side of the road. Th ecop car was across the front of the other....

Don't know what they thought they were doing....
This won't bother me at all. I don't drink, except maybe twice a year, at home! I never go to pubs/clubs and I hate alcohol mixed with food.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
I've done it once and I hated myself for it and have not forgiven myself. I did it because I didn't want my drunk boyfriend to drive and thought I might be safer. It wasn't far, but that isn't the point. I know a lot of people who drink A LOT and I've never seen one of them get in the car pissed. It just isn't worth it regardless of whether or not you get caught by the cops, what if you hurt a kid, or killed someone's mother. f*** that.
(17-03-2010, 03:49pm)Louwai Wrote: 10klm's up th eroad I passed them on the side of the road. Th ecop car was across the front of the other....

Don't know what they thought they were doing....

I know someone who had tested repeatedly as having a high IQ.

He tried to outrun a highway patrol car on the M1 in Brisbane in a beat up 1980 Datsun Bluebird.

Takes a little more to be able to apply that intelligence it seems Clap
So there you have it. At least with 0.05 you could still go out with a bunch of friends, only drink 2 or 3 beers & still be the designated driver. This way 0.02, they still keep making their 47% or whatever it is extravagant booze tax & turn responsible people into criminals. Makes sense, doesn't it.Idiot2
And no, I still haven't changed my mind about what I stated in the 1st post.

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