hey guys i have received an email from David Tynan (SURVIVE THE RIDE) and he has invited the AHC to come to the 2010 Easter egg ride.this is a personal invite from him and i think this is something that members in NSW should attend.as SURVIVE THE RIDE is a wonder full org and there raising funds for sick kiddies Very Happy what more incentive do you need to attend this and lend your support . i hope to see members pledging there time and support for this great cause WESTMEAD CHILDRENS HOSPTIAL.every $dollar counts guys

The Easter Egg Ride start from 3 locations at 9:00 am on Sunday March 7, 2010.

1 - Pie in the Sky at Cowan.
2 - Opposite the petrol station on the corner of Hare St and Great Western Highway at Glenbrook.
3 - Sutherland - details to be advised.

Check out http://www.survivetheride.org/eer.html for more details.

ALL money raised goes to the Children's Hospital at Westmead to pay for therapy equipment and activities so they can have some fun.

Dave Tynan
sounds like a plan, BK....i'm gonna check da link right now....

(25-01-2010, 08:54am)big kev Wrote: hey guys i have received an email from David Tynan (SURVIVE THE RIDE) and he has invited the AHC to come to the 2010 Easter egg ride.this is a personal invite from him and i think this is something that members in NSW should attend.as SURVIVE THE RIDE is a wonder full org and there raising funds for sick kiddies Very Happy what more incentive do you need to attend this and lend your support . i hope to see members pledging there time and support for this great cause WESTMEAD CHILDRENS HOSPTIAL.every $dollar counts guys

The Easter Egg Ride start from 3 locations at 9:00 am on Sunday March 7, 2010.

1 - Pie in the Sky at Cowan.
2 - Opposite the petrol station on the corner of Hare St and Great Western Highway at Glenbrook.
3 - Sutherland - details to be advised.

Check out http://www.survivetheride.org/eer.html for more details.

ALL money raised goes to the Children's Hospital at Westmead to pay for therapy equipment and activities so they can have some fun.

Dave Tynan
I need a pillion seat HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tex will be away so I need a pillion seat from Blue Mountains leg!

Anyone..........please don't subject me to a fuckin cruiser?? or worse still a Harley!!!
Would have helped save you from a fate worse than death (pillion on a harley) but work decided to roster me on for yet another weekend, sorry.
This ride is for a very worthy cause, if u can make it, that would be great!.
I have alway's lead this ride since it's inception, unfortunately, I cannot make it this year as I will be down in S.A. at the Salt flats.

Tex & Bundy
Everybody dies, not Everybody lives !!
There is no substitute for grunt !!
Every boy needs more than one toy !!

Not that im able to attend this ride but i hope we get some members from AHC to attend and show as a club we support the event

Just a quick reminder that the Survive The Ride Assoc Easter Egg Ride is on this Sunday, March 7.

Starting points are:
- Kirrawee - McDonalds
- Glenbrook - Cnr Great Western Highway and Hare Rd
- Cowan - Pie in the Sky.

Registration starts at 8:00 am. Route maps provided when you register.

Ride starts at 9:00 am and finishes at The Children's Hospital at Westmead - Hawkesbury Rd.

All money raised goes to the hospital - $10 entry per bike.

Prize draw for riders and pillions includes Stay Upright Advanced Courses, sunglasses from Ugly Fish and jeans from Draggins, Hornee, NedsWear and Sartso.

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