2010 EASTER EGG RIDE - Printable Version

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2010 EASTER EGG RIDE - big kev - 25-01-2010

hey guys i have received an email from David Tynan (SURVIVE THE RIDE) and he has invited the AHC to come to the 2010 Easter egg ride.this is a personal invite from him and i think this is something that members in NSW should attend.as SURVIVE THE RIDE is a wonder full org and there raising funds for sick kiddies Very Happy what more incentive do you need to attend this and lend your support . i hope to see members pledging there time and support for this great cause WESTMEAD CHILDRENS HOSPTIAL.every $dollar counts guys

The Easter Egg Ride start from 3 locations at 9:00 am on Sunday March 7, 2010.

1 - Pie in the Sky at Cowan.
2 - Opposite the petrol station on the corner of Hare St and Great Western Highway at Glenbrook.
3 - Sutherland - details to be advised.

Check out http://www.survivetheride.org/eer.html for more details.

ALL money raised goes to the Children's Hospital at Westmead to pay for therapy equipment and activities so they can have some fun.

Dave Tynan

RE: 2010 EASTER EGG RIDE - bazman - 25-01-2010

sounds like a plan, BK....i'm gonna check da link right now....

RE: 2010 EASTER EGG RIDE - big kev - 09-02-2010


(25-01-2010, 08:54am)big kev Wrote: hey guys i have received an email from David Tynan (SURVIVE THE RIDE) and he has invited the AHC to come to the 2010 Easter egg ride.this is a personal invite from him and i think this is something that members in NSW should attend.as SURVIVE THE RIDE is a wonder full org and there raising funds for sick kiddies Very Happy what more incentive do you need to attend this and lend your support . i hope to see members pledging there time and support for this great cause WESTMEAD CHILDRENS HOSPTIAL.every $dollar counts guys

The Easter Egg Ride start from 3 locations at 9:00 am on Sunday March 7, 2010.

1 - Pie in the Sky at Cowan.
2 - Opposite the petrol station on the corner of Hare St and Great Western Highway at Glenbrook.
3 - Sutherland - details to be advised.

Check out http://www.survivetheride.org/eer.html for more details.

ALL money raised goes to the Children's Hospital at Westmead to pay for therapy equipment and activities so they can have some fun.

Dave Tynan

RE: 2010 EASTER EGG RIDE - 1ArmedBandit - 01-03-2010

I need a pillion seat HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tex will be away so I need a pillion seat from Blue Mountains leg!

Anyone..........please don't subject me to a fuckin cruiser?? or worse still a Harley!!!

RE: 2010 EASTER EGG RIDE - 2wheelfreak - 02-03-2010

Would have helped save you from a fate worse than death (pillion on a harley) but work decided to roster me on for yet another weekend, sorry.

RE: 2010 EASTER EGG RIDE - motoplast - 02-03-2010

This ride is for a very worthy cause, if u can make it, that would be great!.
I have alway's lead this ride since it's inception, unfortunately, I cannot make it this year as I will be down in S.A. at the Salt flats.

Tex & Bundy

RE: 2010 EASTER EGG RIDE - big kev - 03-03-2010

Not that im able to attend this ride but i hope we get some members from AHC to attend and show as a club we support the event

Just a quick reminder that the Survive The Ride Assoc Easter Egg Ride is on this Sunday, March 7.

Starting points are:
- Kirrawee - McDonalds
- Glenbrook - Cnr Great Western Highway and Hare Rd
- Cowan - Pie in the Sky.

Registration starts at 8:00 am. Route maps provided when you register.

Ride starts at 9:00 am and finishes at The Children's Hospital at Westmead - Hawkesbury Rd.

All money raised goes to the hospital - $10 entry per bike.

Prize draw for riders and pillions includes Stay Upright Advanced Courses, sunglasses from Ugly Fish and jeans from Draggins, Hornee, NedsWear and Sartso.