Bullshit Dyno numbers
Timed out? I guess you're referring to my frustration on Netrider? Nah, don't seem to have the same problem here. someone pointed out to me on Facebook the other night that I kept appearing to logout & login again. I think a lot has to do with the wireless broadband here ain't the best. I'm ticking the "remember me" box when logging in now and it seems to help.

Back on topic, early Feb is cool with me. My birthday just so happens to be the 13th, and chocolate mudcake is always good Heidi, if you care to extend the same offer! Last weekend of Feb is Superbikes and I'm Island-bound, but yeah, early to mid-Feb count me in.
wow, what a week in AHC land................lol

Dyno Day.............ummmmmmmm nothing new to Tex and I, we have run them for many clubs.

Great thing for us, we really enjoy running them....Why?

Dyno's are a misunderstood tool in our industry, these days gives us the opportunity to educate mc lovers as to the proper function & use of a Dyno! its not just about HORSE POWER!!!!!!!!!, its Torque, Fuel, Air it's..........PERFORMANCE!!

I do alot of the mapping of bikes and I am forever frustrated by having to work backwards, each bike is individual each bike creates a footprint, stock, then as mods are completed that footprint alters. Most Dyno clients arrive with all the bells and whistles added but with a bike thats running like a hairy goat!!! Fix it they cry!!!

If they are serious about performance and not horse power they leave happy & educated, if all they want is to extend their penis I just need to increase the HP, easy done!!!! If they want the front to rip up at the lights easy done!! Educated - FAILED!!!

I watch time and time again the HP fever manifest as they stare at the dyno screen, they rush for the internet to buy yet more add ons for the almighty push for HP, which has me stunned as to what they plan on doing with their new found numbersIdiot2Idiot2

False claims are plenty, crook dyno's that need calibration they exist too! Weather big factor!! Weather stations are a must!

Fuel & Air, Fuel & Air, Fuel & Air..........get the picture!!!

But its a fun day, you can learn a little and hang out with your fellow Busa Buddies, if you have no bike its still great fun, if you have no Busa we don't care, we have even had a Posties bike run on a dyno day!!!

Tex ................ an his lady ..................... so true.
It ain't all about how far up the graph that little line goes Coolsmiley ............... it's more the manner in which it does. Pi_thumbsup
Nothing like riding a well tuned / mapped bike that delivers crisp clean lineal power. the difference to stock out of the crate has to be experienced to be appreciated. Yes
By the way I'll go with the mud cake also as the 15th my Happy day Lol2
(31-12-2009, 09:36am)fasterfaster Wrote: Tex ................ an his lady ..................... so true.
It ain't all about how far up the graph that little line goes Coolsmiley ............... it's more the manner in which it does. Pi_thumbsup
Nothing like riding a well tuned / mapped bike that delivers crisp clean lineal power. the difference to stock out of the crate has to be experienced to be appreciated. Yes
By the way I'll go with the mud cake also as the 15th my Happy day Lol2

Ahmen to that brother Faster..........Trophy
Never ride the A model of anything.
I'll have a chocolate mud pie thanks.

Amen to all of the above. I put Yoshi cams and a PC on the Black Busa and had it tuned in Canberra, a place where Pete's style of truning is unknown. had it done by the local Kawasaki shop as they had access to a dyno to tune her. Result = 173.6 horsepower at the back wheel, up from 155stock and it ran like a hairy goat. It was only when I put the stock cams back in her and the stock airbox that she came to life again.

If only I could find someone who can tune her properly?

Sound slike Jen and Tex may be the go!

When in February was that guys?Coolsmiley
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
No date set yet Max.

The only thing for certain is that I'm getting a chocolate mud cake Drool to celebrate the day and all these February birthdays that seem to be occurring Lol3
Rear half of 2000 Red/Grey Busa Smitten
Rear half of 2010 Red BMW K1300 GT Smitten
(01-01-2010, 01:28pm)king 62 Wrote: yes am leaving his post as is.
im sorry but with all the posts that i have seen deleted in the past why would you leave this one.
not a good image for new members.
cheers john

+2...not a good image to portray to other members or visitors, especially since the wording is inappropriate and the lettering is large and bold. Let's also not forget that some members view this forum at home in front of children or at work. The message that Gruntmax has left and remains 'as is', is not that different from his post that was deleted.

I appreciate that there was an honest attempt for transparency, but now I believe it is time that the post was deleted especially for the good of the forum.
Rear half of 2000 Red/Grey Busa Smitten
Rear half of 2010 Red BMW K1300 GT Smitten
ok accepted above few posts advice and have cleaned this thread up from non topic posts, this and above post will go to eventually.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Gee did not think my post was that Bad Confused best stop posting when im pissed Pi_freak
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
(01-01-2010, 07:40pm)ROD Wrote: Gee did not think my post was that Bad Confused best stop posting when im pissed Pi_freak

I get into more shit when I'm drunk and say what I mean to say, just lose the diplomacy a bit -okay a lot!

A New Year's resolution for Max - Don't post if your pissed!!Pi_freak
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(02-01-2010, 05:40am)Madmax Wrote:
(01-01-2010, 07:40pm)ROD Wrote: Gee did not think my post was that Bad Confused best stop posting when im pissed Pi_freak

I get into more shit when I'm drunk and say what I mean to say, just lose the diplomacy a bit -okay a lot!

A New Year's resolution for Max - Don't post if your pissed!!Pi_freak

A few more should take your resolution also Max.
(27-12-2009, 10:28pm)BLACKZOOK Wrote: I am willing to bet $1.00

I'll double ya, as long as Tex is willing to Dyno my Volvo Pi_tongue

How about the 7th of Feb? The 14th, being Valentine's Day... may rule some of us out Coolsmiley

PS: sorry about the hijacking, but a few of us are doing Eastern Creek track day on Friday the 19th... Pi_thumbsup
I may be willing to bring my turbo down.... if i can find a sacrificial tyre.
7.95@175mph, that's gota make me the quickest dog groomer in OZ Biker
Pro StreetBike Smitten
Thanks to my crew and sponsors:
IM Compsoite Technologies www.imcomposite.com.au/
Country Brewer www.countrybrewer.com.au
Hydrodog Cranebrook http://www.hydrodog.com.au/
You can pick up cheap ex track day tyres from metros from $50-$100 with heaps of tread, perfect for dyno sacrificing.
I am just trying to nut out a day in Feb for Dyno day..........problem is we have bloody commitments from one end of Oz to the other in Feb!!!!!!!!

At this stage either of the first two weekends in Feb are looking possible, just waiting on a few other dates to be confirmed re events and then I'll have an idea.

Aiming to square it all up by FridayPi_tongue

So hang in there I have not forgotten!!!!!Pi_thumbsupBiker

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