The Bathurst Busa Bash
Ok Trix.
We WILL catch up again soon I hope.
I might have to ride up to QLD over winter to get some stress relief.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
me and the missus are still in for two nights. might need an extra layer of clothing though...
Ludicrous speed- go!
a week to go!!!

cant wait!!!
cheeky Wrote:a week to go!!!

cant wait!!!

never fly higher than your angel.
lol love the fat man dance mutha!!!!!!

go the norty corner!!!!! woootttt
Count down is on thrillseekers.
For some, 4 nights, others 5 and some even 6.
Bathurst here we come....
Yee Haa!
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
[quote='BUSGO' pid='174400' dateline='1242560341']
Count down is on thrillseekers.
For some, 4 nights, others 5 and some even 6.
Bathurst here we come....
Yee Haa!
[/quote its cold and icey early morn this week so be careful early starters over the blue mtns and around lithgow,on a good note after 10am its a glorius day for riding.some road works between lithgow and bathurst watch out for speed restrictions as a young bloke got caught doing 140 in a 40 zone (was not impressed) it was red p there out there at the moment its a red c/dore and a green c/dore.have a safe trip everyone.
I have been told that there are some big roadworks around Ilford on the Mudgee - Lithgow road.
Can you find out if the road is passable for bikes please?
Many from the North are planning on coming through Ilford and Sofala on the way down.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
(18-05-2009, 07:32am)BUSGO Wrote: Crumpy,
I have been told that there are some big roadworks around Ilford on the Mudgee - Lithgow road.
Can you find out if the road is passable for bikes please?
Many from the North are planning on coming through Ilford and Sofala on the way down.

Ray I went through the roadworks last friday going to mudgee the area is called tabrabucca.its not too bad just a bit slippery and dirty as they are using hyrock which is a white colour but further down from the motel there is a car and my mate on his 1200 dryhump had no problems getting through.see you friday arvo at the motel.

ME A GOOD BOT., + Le' mutha got the frosty silver spoon ready

Otherwise I'll frig up on friday straight from melb - bathurst to see u all ?

ride on sat - stay nite - frig off sunday morn to woollongong -bermagui-cann river - melbourne

Fatman Good to hear you can make the trip Corbin, don't think you will need a sleeping bag.

Le mutha has Le big spikie spoon on ice Nutkickyt1

never fly higher than your angel.

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch." Ghastly
Hi Corbin,
I got your Email and you will be right at the motel for Friday and Saturday nights.
No probs.
You can either get a room of your own by booking one before or on Friday, or find someone to share with but there are plenty there.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
whats the name of the Hotel again?
and i know its somewhere here, but do you have to book in advance or can book when you rock up??
GenII Hunter Knuppel2
lmao corbin you dag!!!

no way you need a sleeping bag..i have plenty of beds availible..(one of my brothers has 6 kids and i can make up beds for all and comfy) i hate sleeping it rough.yes i know i,m a tough bikie! NOT

i fixed up gassick and the womans room today and de furred it from the puddy tats and closed the door so its ready.

i,m putting mutha and corbin and anyone else on stretchers and comfy mattreses in front loungeroom.(umm pussies may try too snuggle up too you and the baby cat wolfie likes too sleep on your head and he is 5 months old already 5kilograms)

at le cheekies we have on the menu is roast succulent lamb stolen from the neighbours and vegies raided from lil old ladies gardens the thursday night. sunday night is what ever le cheekies kids have left for us in the freezer..

all in all your welcome.just let me know how many beds too make up

still cacking myself at Le Cheekies...

oi mutha ill have extra spoons on standby in freezer if not a cat or three should do the trick
btw this is a rip snorter not being able to see whoes posting..

i could really confuse the visitors for thursday night.muwhahahahaha

i could send them via busgos house..imagine his surprise."errr hello umm no that aint cheekies and no i,m not cooking you dinner!"


i,m amusing my small lil brain......

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