10th Aniversary Ride
Only a few days left for suggestions, get in quickly!
I would like to see it somewhere west of sydney but would have no idea of place ever way i would need to trailer my bike to Sydney Undecided
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
IF you want central & no freezing cold, how about Alice Springs,It's in
the middle.

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
There are good rides and pubs or motels around young, cootamundra,and its fairly central for nsw,vic riders,south oz and a great ride for northeners just my 2cents worth.
yes good idea crumpy.those small towns need a help up and the money we would spend would be excellent for them..the drought is hurting them all bad that way....

i know since alot here on the forum have been getting great rains ,there is alot of inland nsw that hasnt.

fairly central too for vic and qldsers and maybe from adelaide 9 hours at a guess
Cootamundra and especially Young would be very nice places and as suggested fairly central.
I was through there fairly recently and as cheeky says they desparately need the money in the towns.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Sounds like fun, are former busa owners who have been awol for a couple of years welcome? :)
You were never unwelcome Trent.
Good to see you back.
Don't miss the Bathurst run in May if you are up for a weekend away as well mate.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Where the hell have you been?
wearlej Wrote:Sounds like fun, are former busa owners who have been awol for a couple of years welcome? :)

Good to see you back on line Pi_thumbsup
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
I am from Kalgoorlie and would like to go. I would be willing to join any group going over for it. Adelaide would be a good half way point but I am up for any place.
I'm not saying I can make it, it really depends on time of year and I will also be in Qld with the Fam later in the year so will really depend on that and if I can get time of work.

The more I think about this even though Broken Hill would be pretty boring to get there it is fairly central even though us WA guys may have a little further to go.
( Broken Hill - Its 1120km from Sydney, 850km from Melbourne, 1450km from Brisbane, 520km from Adelaide and 2800km from Perth (sorry to the WA crew). Its about as central as I can think of. )

I was thinking that if people were thinking that general direction what about the Clare Valley Region in Sth Aus adds a few K's to the easterners but not much more and will take a few K's of the WA guys but the only down side is that it's just outside of Adelaide so they wouldn't have much of a ride.

Otherwise has anyone thought about linking it with one of the Bike Events such as the MotoGp or World Superbikes and organise to have a Australian HayaBusa Corporate Tent at the event for the Members.

Anyway I know the last suggestion involves money but hey what a hoot, so there's my suggestions and food for thought but I spose one or two of the states will have some serious travel time so I reckon time of year will be everything.
as i said before this will be a good time of the year 4 me,i will be taken a week off 4 sure.
but i have been studying the map and shit its so hard to please everyone, the biggest problem is its to far or to close like rav004 said the clare valley shit my bike would still be cold when i got their,but nice place, the point i am trying to get at is when picking a place to meet lets remember its a 10th aniversary not just a ride, a chance to meet many menbers as posible,well thats my 2cents anywayHayabusa
born to be mild
a good idea rev004 world super bikes 2010 Yes
maybe too exxy for club to do a tent.maybe approach suzuki itself..but i reckon that would be huge job and i,m not sure how ther organisers feel about that..
its a big job just trying to organise a get together of 100 or so and accomodation without the extra of trying to get into offical places.
rev you have done your homework and it would be nice for a central place..awesome.

maybe organisers the ACT chapter play pin the tail on the donkey!!!..get map out and spin someone blind folded!!!!
heeheh ..could be interesting too say the least of where we all end upFatmanGhastly

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