Central QLD
nato674 Wrote:Hey myself and a mate are going from Rocky to Many Peaks on tuesday if anyone is keen. Prob leave Rocky around 8am Tuesday 17th march. Notexactly sure on the route for return trip but will post it before we go.

First day back to work Tuesday, would have hooked up at Calliope otherwise, have fun.
I'm getting my bike back this thursday, transported from Sydney to Sunshine Coast for $440, not too bad, probably would have cost almost that much to fly down and ride it back. I shouldn't ride for at least another 3 weeks or so but I dont think I can wait that long, already hanging out for a ride. I been looking at the maps and there seems to be plenty of roads to explore between here and Townsville, not many twisties, but just have to head out a have a look. See ya on the road soon ;-)
Yeah I would have come in for the ride tomorrow if I didn't have so much to do before I head back to work wednesday...

Have a great, and safe, ride though, will try to catch ya on the next one Very Happy
Had a good run to calliope and not a Police in sight on the run to many peaks. First time there for me and its like a hidden road to what seams no where when you get there!! the pub was shut when we arrived so we swung around and headed back. Hopefully catch a few of you next time. Id say next tuesday we might be going from Rocky to Bilo to Calliope and back to rocky via a quick squirt up to many peaks again.
Let me know if you go ahead with the ride next week. I should be good for a run from bilo to many peaks have only been up that way once since i got the bus keen to do it again
No worries id say it will happen as long as the weather is behaving itself.
Which way are you going to Bilo? Through Mt Morgan/Dululu? Might be able to swing that ride, be a good 700km run for me. The run between Bilo and Calliope is worth the ride though
Start Rocky head through Mt Morgan Dululu Bilo Calliope depending on time and the day possibly a run to Many Peaks. Im up for any suggestions if anybody wants to add or take anything..Very Happy
Sounds alright actually, see what I can do
I will be heading to many peaks. It has been a while since i have been down that way.
Keen to meet up or goin solo?
Always keen for a riding partner or two. What time do you think you will be in bilo??
probably around 9.30 , leave rocky at 7 ish it will be my 1st time there so i guess we could all meet up at a easy to find servo there?
Not a problem around that general area.
Mobile servo is our usual meeting place how does that sound?? Cant miss it straight up the main drag

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