with a 1:1 reg allow 5cc/hp
std 240ccx4 =960cc divide by 5 gives around 192hp or about 3-4 psi till you take out the pistons running lean
Don't forget the boost referencing on the reg only maintains fuel line pressure otherwise the effective pressure decreases by the amount of boost.
keep this handy for calculating fuel needs
also lets you see the effect of raising fuel pressure
Kits that use std injectors either bump up the base pressure lots or run a FMU with a 5-6:1 rate of rise
If you use s2000 injectors a malpassi 1.6:1 reg and convert your pc3usb to map sensing i can send you a starter map but i could not get consistant results due to ecu compensations for temp etc overshooting the mark due to big injectors and variable base pressure from the malpassi's heat sensitivity ,worked ok but never as sweet as std and it should be!
For similar cost to a PC, i'm trying a AEM f/ic
needs to be hardwired in but so far looks good on the 750 i'm setting up for salt racing
just starting to run out of injector with s2000 injectors and 1.6:1 reg at 20 psi boost