Rising Rate Regulator - Printable Version

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Rising Rate Regulator - horndog - 05-08-2008

I have been checking out rising rate regulators on the net. What do you guys think is a reliable regulator for the Busa and what do I need to look out for?

So far I think a Malpassi or SARD seems to be reasonably priced and good quality.

RE: Rising Rate Regulator - Maj - 05-08-2008

What injectors will you run ? if you only need a 1:1 rise the Sard type seems fairly consistant, I'm using a Malpassi on one bike at the moment and it varys its pressure a bit due to temp rise

RE: Rising Rate Regulator - horndog - 06-08-2008

Maj Wrote:What injectors will you run ? if you only need a 1:1 rise the Sard type seems fairly consistant, I'm using a Malpassi on one bike at the moment and it varys its pressure a bit due to temp rise

Thanks Maj

I was going to stay standard for the time being(good for around 270hp?) or look at S2000 injectors. Either way what I am picking up from research is that to compensate for varying boost at a constant throttle position, a rising rate was the way to go unless I ran a piggy back that has a boost fuel map based on boost. Secondaries arent really in the equation yet.

Thinking about it though, I am only going to be using it for drag racing so I should really only be worried about fuelling at 100% throttle (given that I am still on the bike Lol3) If I run a gear based boost control and reach my end goal of remapping the standard ECU I will be able to run seperate fuel map for each gear.

Im happy to be corrected on any of this.

RE: Rising Rate Regulator - Maj - 06-08-2008

with a 1:1 reg allow 5cc/hp
std 240ccx4 =960cc divide by 5 gives around 192hp or about 3-4 psi till you take out the pistons running lean
Don't forget the boost referencing on the reg only maintains fuel line pressure otherwise the effective pressure decreases by the amount of boost.
keep this handy for calculating fuel needs
also lets you see the effect of raising fuel pressure
Kits that use std injectors either bump up the base pressure lots or run a FMU with a 5-6:1 rate of rise
If you use s2000 injectors a malpassi 1.6:1 reg and convert your pc3usb to map sensing i can send you a starter map but i could not get consistant results due to ecu compensations for temp etc overshooting the mark due to big injectors and variable base pressure from the malpassi's heat sensitivity ,worked ok but never as sweet as std and it should be!
For similar cost to a PC, i'm trying a AEM f/ic
needs to be hardwired in but so far looks good on the 750 i'm setting up for salt racing
just starting to run out of injector with s2000 injectors and 1.6:1 reg at 20 psi boost

RE: Rising Rate Regulator - Legend - 06-08-2008


I thought you were going to use a motec ecu?

I'd go to a standalone or piggyback ecu straight away rather than build up to it.

Your choice in the end.


RE: Rising Rate Regulator - spamanglenn - 06-08-2008

with a 1:1 reg allow 5cc/hp
std 240ccx4 =960cc divide by 5 gives around 192hp or about 3-4 psi till you take out the pistons running lean
Don't forget the boost referencing on the reg only maintains fuel line pressure otherwise the effective pressure decreases by the amount of boost.
keep this handy for calculating fuel needs
also lets you see the effect of raising fuel pressure
Kits that use std injectors either bump up the base pressure lots or run a FMU with a 5-6:1 rate of rise
If you use s2000 injectors a malpassi 1.6:1 reg and convert your pc3usb to map sensing i can send you a starter map but i could not get consistant results due to ecu compensations for temp etc overshooting the mark due to big injectors and variable base pressure from the malpassi's heat sensitivity ,worked ok but never as sweet as std and it should be!
For similar cost to a PC, i'm trying a AEM f/ic
needs to be hardwired in but so far looks good on the 750 i'm setting up for salt racing
just starting to run out of injector with s2000 injectors and 1.6:1 reg at 20 psi boost

RE: Rising Rate Regulator - horndog - 06-08-2008

Maj Wrote:with a 1:1 reg allow 5cc/hp
std 240ccx4 =960cc divide by 5 gives around 192hp or about 3-4 psi till you take out the pistons running lean
Don't forget the boost referencing on the reg only maintains fuel line pressure otherwise the effective pressure decreases by the amount of boost.
keep this handy for calculating fuel needs
also lets you see the effect of raising fuel pressure
Kits that use std injectors either bump up the base pressure lots or run a FMU with a 5-6:1 rate of rise
If you use s2000 injectors a malpassi 1.6:1 reg and convert your pc3usb to map sensing i can send you a starter map but i could not get consistant results due to ecu compensations for temp etc overshooting the mark due to big injectors and variable base pressure from the malpassi's heat sensitivity ,worked ok but never as sweet as std and it should be!
For similar cost to a PC, i'm trying a AEM f/ic
needs to be hardwired in but so far looks good on the 750 i'm setting up for salt racing
just starting to run out of injector with s2000 injectors and 1.6:1 reg at 20 psi boost

OK I think I am getting it now, so you bump your base pressure up to allow for the required flow at full demand. The FMU restricts the flow at low boost and de restricts as boost increases to allow full pump pressure at max demand.

That would mean I would need about 120 PSI pump pressure to achieve around 300 hp on standard injectors!

RE: Rising Rate Regulator - Maj - 06-08-2008

FMU starts with std base pressure (43 psi)but raises pressure ~5-6 psi/lb boost.
other systems use a 1:1 reg but start at 55-60 psi
both are not enough for 300hp on std injectors.
If your aiming high later get a boost compensating piggyback or standalone like Leonard said . add some quality bigger injectors and build it once.

RE: Rising Rate Regulator - horndog - 06-08-2008

Unfortunately the sweet deal I had lined up for a Motec ,was not so sweet after all so that idea went to sh*t.

Checked out the AEM f/ic tonight and it does look pretty good for the price. Pity the data logging capability is not a bit better. 10 secs at 10ms intervals is a bit limiting but set at 50ms, 20 seconds would be usable.

I will get myself a set of S2000 injectors as well, what would I expect to pay for them?

RE: Rising Rate Regulator - Maj - 06-08-2008

Around $200US + postage, there are better injectors but not drop in.
I'm still to get the FIC logging readable, haven't had time to sit down and figure out where the log reader is ,txt files save easily .
Just using the innovate logger at the moment, its setup and i'm familiar with it now

RE: Rising Rate Regulator - Geri - 08-08-2008

You can make 300hp using blackbird injectors and a FMU. I have a friend who is using Siemens Deka 60lb injectors and a powercommander & hub. He has had a lot of luck with that setup but he has done all of his fine tning by editing his bike's ECU, something I shall be experimenting with shortly.

RE: Rising Rate Regulator - horndog - 08-08-2008

Geri Wrote:You can make 300hp using blackbird injectors and a FMU. I have a friend who is using Siemens Deka 60lb injectors and a powercommander & hub. He has had a lot of luck with that setup but he has done all of his fine tning by editing his bike's ECU, something I shall be experimenting with shortly.

Yes Geri, I have been watching that same forum with much interest. Particularly if the GPS/Boost map idea gets off the ground.

I have got myself a 232/TTL converter now but just need to get the original Aussie data of the ECU as a safeguard for reflashing.