"Let's all get together" ...
I meant as in all who would want to go.... not just vic ppl or nsw people - anyone who wanted to go

We as in any member of the "AUSTRALIAN" Hayabusa Club,.............. or the Victorian contingent.... what ever you wanna call it.. (JOKING!!)

Quote:but I feel the question has to be asked... Busgo asked it. Mybb asked it... who is making the decision and what is the decision based on?

I dont think any one person is making it - thats why its been thrown out to the public I think??
Ray I'm with you Jindy is prolly the best place. But I'm happy to go with the crowd anywhere.

For the last 2 years there has been pages and pages of talk about "lets go here or "lets go there" or I cant make that day can we do on another. Most of this discussion is posted by people WHO NEVER TURN UP ANYWAY.

Le"ts make a list of the people who actually turned up the last year or two and let THEM decide the WHERE AND WHEN f*** the rest.
Those people will always have an excuse.

For the rest we can have a latte day right next door to your place.

What a laugh these last 4 pages have been.

Jindy is fairly central, roads are great and relatively few pigs. Once a year is not to often for me or I would guess most of us WHO actually TURN THE f*** UP.
Now thats been clarified lets talk about something really constructive.

My foam grips have hardened with age and lack of use how are yours????Pi_tongue
You certainly have a way with words Bruce.  I agree with you.  Let's go to Jindy and get on the piss again,Beer:  Glenn can bring his slick tyres that have the tread cut into them so he can at least try to take his dad on, he'll only win when Ray really gets old and infirmLol2

On a less serious note, I've just put heated grips on the Black and Grey, after nearly 30 years of riding in the Canberra area. Why the f*** did I take so long?

On a more serious note, I have the bike battery on the charger in the shed at the moment as I rode into the garage and left the f*&^ing heated grips turned on. Gotta hate that! (:-)))

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Max the trick is to wire the heated hand grips to a wire that turns off when the ignition does and not directly to the battery.Pi_thumbsup
Now what was this thread about again?Confused
[Image: CA2BIZED.jpg] BACK IN BLACK!!!
You will not find the quality of roads and lack of traffic and cops anywhere else in nsw.Jindy gets my vote.I would love to do the oxley someday with riders experienced on that road,however i do hear there is alot of top end stuff there which may lead to carnage for a big group?How many actually did the loop last year again? 8 from memory,all home safe.I,m still waiting to ride some twisties with you max,on a busa each,not if it rains though eh?Coolsmiley
Good idear Max, its a good ride to Jindy and if it rains GET ON THE PISS,and talk and talk,but if there any who like a challenge them do the loop de loop.everyone to there own. And Bruce,, fark u can talk.
Listen we all know that a few of you guys did the loop last year.
Get over it.
Some of us did it the year before and if I had a choice I wouldn't do it again regardless of the weather.
In my opinion the road is largely shit compared to better offering further north and warmer.
I'll start another discussion about a trip up North and you guys can take it or leave it.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
yeah but busgo - the roads & ride just to get there are unreal! alot of the roads we took on our way out were fuggin unreal as well - no pigs.. good place to stay - ok weather suxed when we got there - but damn - was good either way!

I'll meet those who want Jindy up there for sure hehe
SOOO its on.. Jindy on December the 8th + 9th... Now that we have decided for everyone... who organises it.. haha... As long as I can get leave, im going up even if just by myself.. Hopefully I will see some of you up there as well.
[Image: bmr.gif]
BLACKZOOK Wrote:Most of this discussion is posted by people WHO NEVER TURN UP ANYWAY.

Le"ts make a list of the people who actually turned up the last year or two and let THEM decide the WHERE AND WHEN f*** the rest.
Those people will always have an excuse.

Yes they DO have an excuse, and that's what we're trying to argue here .

Asking only those "who turned up" isn't representative of The Club. The problem I see is that many are NOT showing up because of the distance. I thought the Australian Hayabusa Club was ALL of Australia (and beyond), not just those who manage to make it to Jindy, hence the Poll on the forum!

I'd rather we have it at Coffs and 8 Victorians don't show up than yet another year at Jindy and a whole bunch of Queenslanders are left speculating about forming the QLD Hayabusa club again...

At least we'd be giving them a go...

Two final points:
1. Just for the record, Jindy is 6 hours from my place and Coffs is 9, so Jindy is actually EASIER for me.
2. I've never tried hand-grips but I do wonder whether they would compromise throttle control or whether they would make it easier to gauge.
If i can get hold of some sponge grips for extra comfort, i will make the ride to coffs. Ok... so Dec 8+9th at Coffs... book it in.. lol.. Am i getting annoying yet ?
[Image: bmr.gif]
Quote:2. I've never tried hand-grips but I do wonder whether they would compromise throttle control or whether they would make it easier to gauge
Pan, if you get the correct ones,thats the ones that sit under your std grips,you wouldnt even know they were there,so it is no compromise to throttle control at all,in fact if it farkin freezing and you cant feel your pinkies,they are definately a bonus well worth having.Pi_thumbsupbut then if you are one of these riders that only rides in warm fine weather,then forget it.Coolsmiley
[Image: CA2BIZED.jpg] BACK IN BLACK!!!
Jindy,Jindy ,Jindy or C---S?
kawasuki Wrote:Jindy,Jindy ,Jindy or C---S?

Do both, the hardcore people will go to both. The rest are simply latte sippers.
[Image: bmr.gif]

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