btw as for mods deleting posts
i have had my last two posts deleted
but fair enough because i was out of line and said what i thought of people attacking me personally
thats what mods are for.
i was tad cranky
so be it now its all cool
so this is a classic reason why the mods are in place
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This is something we need. Not because of anything most of the mods have done. I have pretty well stayed out of this. There is a groundswell asking that there is more transparency than there is at the moment. Only because of the actions of one mod.
I'll say nothing of the floozy that can't keep her mouth shut and her one sided opinions about that mod to herself for once and let this get done.
Come on mods, you had Heidi asking, you've had me asking, you've had Bruce asking. You've had Graham asking That makes four of the longest members of this board asking for transperancy and a simple compact by the moderators holding them to account and only because one of you is far from even handed and less than unbiased.
Think about it, otherwise we wouldn't be here asking for this yet again!
Time to stand up guys.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
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17-05-2009, 07:12pm
(This post was last modified: 17-05-2009, 07:13pm by Andycool.)
I Would like to Know why my POST was Deleted!!!!
Not Impressed, I dont think I said anything out of context???!!!
Delete the whole thread please I hope th problem has been fixed.
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Yesterdays posts are missing from the whole board. Leigh
Andycool Wrote: I Would like to Know why my POST was Deleted!!!!
Not Impressed, I dont think I said anything out of context???!!!
Getting ready to make some noise.
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yup a few of my posts also gone.................frakkin admins its always their fault
Silver -
The original, the rest are just copies.
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Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Yes sorry guys I had to revert to a day old backup so thats why they are gone and unfort gone forever.
Before tonights I will do a full backup so we have that to fall back on should shit hit the fan.
Lucky we got the board back at all.
A bit scary there for a while
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Thank you very much Pete for getting us back to this point.
I'm sorry that the process didn't go to plan, but having been through this process numerous times, I'm fully aware of the dangers involved with data loss.
Unfortunately the groundbreaking few posts from last night are the ones that really mattered on this topic.
There is no way that I could rewrite the script that I posted last night but I trust that the outcome won't change.
In very brief summary for the members who will have missed it, and I do mean brief, so forgive me for any filler that is missed.
Gassick asked the question of Blackzook exactly what his issues were.
Blackzook responded in depth with a few grievances about the way that I conduct myself as a moderator on the forum. There were 3 or 4 main points.
I responded to each point as precisley as I could to those issues.
At the end of the discussion, Blackzook and I had reached agreement that this dialogue should be sufficient to allow the discussion to be closed and ultimately the topic to be deleted after an extended period of display for the members to read it.
Unfortunately those posts are now lost and it is a real shame because very great progress was made last night on those issues.
In the end, the fact that all admins now notify any member of a forum alteration either personally via a PM or as a post in a forum topic, in combination with a new feature that will possibly be available, after this upgrade, to allow some form of log display.
We are not sure how that will work but we will try.
I also agreed that some of my remarks on the forum can be too direct and I will be a bit more conservative with my posts. (not too much).
Please also be aware though, that not EVERY edit by a MOD may result in a PM.
Things like text and photo tidys are pretty obvious to the member and they should not require a PM to explain.
I hope that this post at least explains to those who missed it last night some of the outcomes.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
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Bruce, If you have anything to add about last nights events, please do.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO