Rejoining the pack
about $2.50, I should think. The only thing to be careful of is tp install it up the right way, apparently that is the most common f*** up.

The RZ. Ahh. That takes me back. I remember working my arse off to save up the $3800 to buy a brand new one and it was the funky thing in town. I think they had a racier model, what was it? A TRZ or something, but no-one could afford one.

If you want one, I will be able to get it out tomorrow. Chuck me an email at
The other model I think was the TZ a mate of mine used to race them in 250 proddie class and he still has a couple in the workshop (along with some of my 250's).
I have written your reply but your email address is on the fritz for some reason. Do you have an alternate?

i'll send you my brothers, I dont know whats causing it it did the same thing last week, I couldn't recieve any e-mails on thursday or friday but it was fine after the weekend
I got those new mirrors in today. I have checked them throughly, any reason to go for a bit of a lap. They work well. holding up to wind and not taking a shot of my shoulders (which can be an issue for aftermarket bits). Got a few different shapes on order for quite a few models. For the busa - like this and in OEM shape. I like these one because they have a significant smaller footprint without giving too much away. $77 a set. I have just about got the website up and it is cool. Does anyone mind me drumming up a bit of biz on here? I feel a bit bad about it but I need you guys to know what I have and at the end of the day, I'm a busa guy and I do my best to be a good club member.
just wonderin about the mounts on those mirrors, are they fixed or do they fold in like the stock items, Hight speed lane splits in peak hour, not very smart but every inch counts.
Glen I think youve got alot to offer that interests many. Promoting your business is great but you may have to move your thread to the Vendors section so there can be no objections of using general to promote ones products. Thats what the vendoors section is for. I am sure many will want to assist you in your new venture.

So instead of loading this one thread continuously I suggest that any new product you have that you would like to promote you open a thread in vendors say for mirrors then another thread offering tobin seats or whatever.

If you like I can move this one there or just start afresh there, as you wish and on behalf of many of us here we wish every success in your new venture.
Cheers brother. I will start one over there in a few days. To be honest, I didn't even notice there was a vendors section.
Matt, I've moved over to the Vendors section for tech stuff. You'll see me right at the top. We leave the GD for comments, news and jokes, like this....

A man with a bald head and a wooden leg is invited to a fancy dress party. He doesn't know what to wear to hide his head and his wooden leg. So he writes to a fancy dress company to explain his problem. A few days later he receives a parcel with a note:

"Dear Sir, Please find enclosed a pirate's outfit. The spotted handkerchief will cover your bald head, and with your wooden leg you will be just right as a pirate."

The man thinks this is terrible because they have just emphasised his wooden leg, so he writes a letter of complaint. A week passes and he received another parcel and note:

"Dear Sir, Sorry about the previous parcel. Please find enclosed a monk's habit. The long robe will cover your wooden leg and with your bald head you will really look the part".

The man is really furious now, because the company has gone from emphasising his wooden leg to drawing attention to his bald head. So he writes a really rude letter of complaint. A few days later he gets a very small parcel from the company with the accompanying letter:

"Dear Sir, Please find enclosed a tin of Golden Syrup. Pour the tin of Golden Syrup over your bald head, stick your wooden leg up your arse and go as a toffee apple."
No no no it goes in the jokes thread....GD is for GD
I was just acting the dick. I will put all future gags in the jokes section.
Geezus, don't take me so seriously! My tongue was firmly in my cheek!
Next thing, there'll be rules...
I thought I would be able to suck you in Kev by being submissive. but sometimes it is hard to tell if folks are fair dinkum or not, I learnt that on the septic site, I asked them if it was nessecary to take a gun to the bash they have. It was if I removed one of their balls or something. I am damn happy we don't carry on with that sort of rubbish.

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