Rejoining the pack - Printable Version

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Rejoining the pack - glen66 - 09-05-2006

G'day Lads - I'm back from a job up north and am settling back into the rain and cold in Adelaide once again. Since I was going away and all, I decided to give the 'Busa a once over. Cos at R.Condo here in Adelaide did the spray, Tobin in the States did the seats (wonderful job by the way) and I did the rest myself. Let me know if anything catches your eye and need some info. No secrets here. The weather has been crap since I have been home and a decent picture has been hard to get but anyway here is some I took this arv before riding home. I guess I will get off my arse and sign on to the SA club now (if you'll have me), since I said I would. We are off to Puckapunyal at the end of the year, any members hail from around that way?

Edit note - Rejigged photo positions... Edited by: demeester at: 10/5/06 8:38 am

Re: Rejoining the pack - Max - 10-05-2006

Sweet looking bike. Can you give us a better shot of the seats? I'm going to do the same with Tobin.


Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

Re: Rejoining the pack - rocket rod 7777 - 10-05-2006

Nice lookin bike i really do have a soft spot for the all blacks.
Its not the phantom anymore,its the urban assault legend!

eek............ - GDYUP - 10-05-2006

Beautiful bike.

Like the all black too...

Very happy with my Tobin seat as well.

Cheers, Phil.

Re: eek............ - demeester - 10-05-2006

Quote:a soft spot for the all blacks
Rocket - as long as you don't carry that feeling across to Rugby...

Re: eek............ - BUSGO - 10-05-2006

Glen, That is a REALLY NICE BIKE.

You may find a mate in Albury, not too far away, named Bandit.
Also WARDP lives and owns the motel in Tallangatta. A good ride there and back.


I'm not using it anyway!

Rejoining the pack - Taubusa - 10-05-2006

G'Day Glen, Great looking bike. I would like to know how you went about getting the Tobin seats for your bike. Did you contact them in the U.S. directly or do they have an agent here in Australia. Can you also tell us how much you paid for them.

Cheers Taubusa

Re: Rejoining the pack - Volvi - 10-05-2006

very nice, and that tobin makes all the diff.

Now Ive had no luck getting feedback from Tobin for a seat, me thinks he just cant handle the copper scheme or not interested. But Ive tried him a few times over the years with no bite.

Maybe we shud all consider a group order? I have a feeling at least half a dozen wud want.

Tobin Seats

Re: Rejoining the pack - bandit17172 - 10-05-2006

Great bike Glen anytime you up Albury way just give me a shout.As for the Corbin seats i would be interested in a pair myself.
Regards Rob

never argue with a fool he will just drag you down to his level and he will beat you with experience

Re: Rejoining the pack - glen66 - 10-05-2006

Thanks for all the nice feedback. This is how to get a Tobin. Well, more the point, this is how I got the tobin. Bit of history, Tobin is Tobin O'Connor. One guy, that is why he is real hard to get a hold of. He hails out of New Salem, PA in the US. The first thing I did was track down his real email, which was sales@tobinseats.com, not the jobbie listed at pashnit. On there he has a pdf to be filled out and sent with the seats. I was really careful about the details. I sent the pictures below and specified the font and exact colours in writing as well as in email follow-ups. The cost for mine was $452 Aussie all told (see website - tobinseats.com) The real trick was being without a seat for three ish weeks. Since I was away, no big deal. he will not supply the seats, regardless of how much you try to bribe him, everyone has their limit though, I reached mine before him. And there you go.

As you guys may or may not know, I have just started a little carbon fibre and kevlar business for speciality parts, still working on the first items and kick-off for release about mid year and since I can't get my sheetie to go any faster, I would be more than happy to do the leg work for whoever is intrested but can't be bothered dicking about. That doesn't just go for Tobins, I'll research and deliver on any part that is anywhere for anyone for, let's say $50 (depending on the amount of work involved, of course). concept pics included. You pay the postage and for the bit, delivery to your door, no strings attached. Might as well let all the crap in my head about bike-bits work for me. Might be a stupid concept but just a thought. Here is another one while I'm at it, custom graphic sets. If you want something really speciality, I can probably make it. Different sizes, colours, variants on words or symbols. I can have them printed locally and sent out, for about the same as cheesy ebay knock-offs. (probably - If the printers don't rip me off - I'll find out for sure if anyone cares less). I have included an example of the detail for pondering.

In any case, thanks for the compliments and happy busaing for another day.

First pic = actual seat, 2nd = concept, 3rd = detail for Tobin, 4th = concept for paint.

Re: Rejoining the pack - glen66 - 10-05-2006

example of decal detail, illiteration aside.

Re: Rejoining the pack - Volvi - 11-05-2006

nice decal detail. might i suggest that if u make a pair that you mirror image the other side unlike all current to date which just share the one sided image.

Mirror image - glen66 - 11-05-2006

Won't it read something else in Japanese then? I don't really care, can't read it anyway and no-one else seems to be able too, given the five billion translations that we see around. I'll make em anyway that folks want them, we have the power. It isn't a problem to put a different word in there instead of Hayabusa in the same font, change the Kanji to be something else or add a second detail image with exactly the same texturing.

Re: Rejoining the pack - Maggot1300 - 16-05-2006

G'day glen Just wonderin What the largest part you can make is eg huggers fairings etc

carbon fairings would be a good look especialy with just enough bling to accentuate them

Reply to Maggot - glen66 - 17-05-2006

G'day Maggot,
We aren't doing fairings yet, the mouldings are initially very expensive (and we don't want to sell shit) but I can get them in for around $1800 for the lot - single seat and all, Aussie made (as far as I know). Add a bit of GST and the cost of freighting - a little over $2030 at your door, ready to go. Not to bad really, might order one myself. That is roughly equvialent to buying a couple of new panels and having the whole deal painted after a bit of a spill. I have huggers going for $250 (for an excellent one) and $370 (for a bloody excellent - vented job, fair dinkum, racing the GP model).

In other news, we are now the official Aussie distributor for Hump Mod, as seen at pashnit.com. I have four deluxe kits (was five but I want one) on there way here, should be here about mid next week. I reckon that $38 is a good price for immediate ship. I make a cool $4, add it up, that is $16, for writing the contract and wooing the company. Sweet.

Umm, carbon mirrors, fake jobs but they look real enough, nice variety of shapes, $77 a set. I can't make real ones for less then about $240ish, just too much. Anyone even mildy interested, drop me a line at glenzoey@aol7.com.au.

Let me know if you are considering buying up Mag and I'll take care of it. Of course, we can paint it, any single colour and flake - $1700 with a free custom graphic set designed to your spec by me personally and a tobin seat, all singing and ready for gobbing off for an additional $520, fitted and ready to go. I don't think there is many that could beat that, especially when we can guarantee satisfaction. In fact, most people would tell us to piss off and stop bothering them. We are big boys, we can take it. Anyway, enough mouthing off on my part. Take it easy guys and see you out there.