THIS PERSON HAS A VEHICLE ( is that better )
Quote:now my friends and I who live in the centre of the cbd are city wankers because we live in the city and either had or have 4x4s.. I'm extra special because I bought my second over powered bike that can tripple the speed limit and what for when I live next to Swanston street walk.. Im a double wanker... my gf just got her bike and car learners. While on her L's she drove the 4x4.. that makes her a women driver in the city, on her L's driving a 4x4 city wanker..
thats not a 4WD that a bake bean can with fat wheels, bit differant to your suburban toorak tractors.
Nice Az!! very nice!!

I myself have a 89 Range Rover - but she stays out at Healsville only coz I can't fit the thing in the carpark under my apt lol "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

sounds good to me dee
Fucken women 4x4 drivers!!
The only thing worse is asian Volvo drivers.

Hey Cas,

I am thinking that your turbo busa would look real sweat as F250 grill.

Hey, I am sure it would do a better 1/4 ET if it was on my car, well better than you can get it to go.

Cheers Dee
Hmmm.... been lurking in this thread for a while and I think I've worked out the core issue.

Some people who drive 4WD's are women.
Some people who drive 4WD's are woefully dangerous arseholes who should be taken out back and shot.
Some people who drive 4WD's are wankers, show offs, toffs and generally the whole ownership thing is a sham.
Some people who drive 4WD's are pitifully selfish, power tripping egotists who think they own the road and like to play bully.
Some people who drive 4WD's actually do use them for their intended purpose.
Some people who drive 4WD's just prefer them for other sane reasons.
Everybody here that drives a 4WD falls loosely into one of the last two categories.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Feel free to replace "4WD" with "Hayabusa", "Car", "Harley", "Skateboard", "Pushbike" or anything else you can think of. The logic stays basically the same. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... RobEdited by: AstroBusa at: 9/12/06 23:12
Exactly Astro.
This orta stir the pot.
Here's a pic of mine.
Is this the stuck up yuppie look u r looking for??
Note not a sign of dirt, it was the first day I picked it up, I ran 7 bikes off the road on the way fun fun.

Limited Edition version... Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,Photography, Bullshit Artist!

"I don't want a pickle,
I just wanna ride my motorsickle."
Arlo Guthrie 1968Edited by: Djpete  at: 14/12/06 11:25
Hey ive got the 4wd of bikes,the tankslapper.Does this make me a wanker too and ive also got a 4wd car,the tube of glue(subaru),so now im a double wanker.
The Phantom is back
Hey Dj,

That is not a 4x4, it is a matchbox car. Looks good though.


Well all knew you were a wanker and now we know why,

Cheers Dee
Getting a bit firsty there Dee.
Rocket I can understand but what did I do?

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,Photography, Bullshit Artist!

"I don't want a pickle,
I just wanna ride my motorsickle."
Arlo Guthrie 1968
Note to self : Sometimes you can write a post that agree's with everybody.... but someone will still want to argue about it. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
just lets all remember why i posted this we lost one of our fellor riders to a stupid women ( yes she was a women no penis ) looking for smoke while comming up behind bike then dragging bike 250m down road befour she relised now how much of a dumb bitch would you have to be not to no there is a bike under your 4x4 (sorry vehicle ) oh and this is only aleged to of happen simple if you no how to drive one all means have one but if you are a complete wanker then buy a barina

R I P To the rider THE WARRIOR

My guess would be that the dumb bitch was gunna do a runna and leave the biker for dead, but had to stop when she could not shake the bike loose.

Quote:The only thing worse is asian Volvo drivers.
Can I add every bloody TAXI driver in Oz. Who the f*** do they think they are.
My teeth are grinding just thinking about them. The fucken pricks have nearly got me a few times..
(No matter how much of a wide birth you give em)

One pulled out from the gutter in town while I was beside him on Monday night (no warning and was parked behind another cab so you wouldn't expect the cockhead to do it) so I jumped on the brakes/horn and shouted heaps of abuse and he just kept pulling out forcing me onto the other side of the road and to top it off all the other dickhead cab drivers that were standing around in the middle of Hindley street were f*&^ing laughing about it

I'm sure if we just stood around in the middle of a main city street at 2 in the morning we would get fined/arrested but seems like they are immune from prosecution

I've got no sympathy for the shitheads when they get bashed and robbed. (Should happen more often IMHO)
Dont get me started on taxi drivers i came off a couple of weeks ago when one pulled out on me lucky not to much damage to me or bike THE WARRIOR


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