What to do with a broken leg???
you have been ripped off by the doctors sorry to say,
i also had a spiral fracture and clean break and misaligned and tried to grow together crooked cause i did nothing about it for a week.
the doctor opened it up and put a titanium plate in with screws and wire and plaster crutches for six weeks and two weeks walk struggle and i am into work.
PS3 Pi_thumbsup Work the top half of your body.....

Cheers Ruffy
Quote:Simmo - It's not a great idea to go hay carting with my in-laws!!! We had stacked the truck three high, and my leg slipped between two bales, as i fell the smaller of the two bones in my leg (the fibula?!?!?) snapped. not neatly either, but what they called a spiral fracture!!!
The x-rays make for an awsome window decoration!!

Bugger dangerous thinks them there grass carts, I take it you had to sign a waver, if not sue them & you can have a new busa waiting for you Very Happy

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