What to do with a broken leg???
Well, six weeks of sitting around staring at the same old walls is driving me nuts already so does anyone have any suggestions what to do with the next 5 and a half weeks until the quacks think I can ride again?
Tathra 2010 - Best Non 'Busa.
Tathra 2011 - Best Non 'Busa.

(30-01-2012, 10:24pm)Mr Sensible Wrote: Well, six weeks of sitting around staring at the same old walls is driving me nuts already so does anyone have any suggestions what to do with the next 5 and a half weeks until the quacks think I can ride again?

I can feel your pain, as i broke my arm in December and it is only now getting back to near normal. For the record....I was out jogging and fell over my dog (but i sure entertained my kids as i fell).Lol2
Patience is a virtue !!!Frown
(30-01-2012, 10:38pm)JOCK Wrote: For the record....I was out jogging and fell over my dog (but i sure entertained my kids as i fell).Lol2
Patience is a virtue !!!Frown

Lol3 Onya JOCK.....

my border collie ran me over in my backyard......result: two cracked vertebrae and two slipped discs!!! Lol2

The BEST part of the whole experience (...apart from the time off work) were the drugs that kept my head high as a kite for about six weeks!!! Coolafro

(30-01-2012, 10:24pm)Mr Sensible Wrote: Well, six weeks of sitting around staring at the same old walls is driving me nuts already so does anyone have any suggestions what to do with the next 5 and a half weeks until the quacks think I can ride again?

How would a Bloke called Mr Sensible ,Break a leg ?

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
(30-01-2012, 10:50pm)Greeny_SA Wrote:
(30-01-2012, 10:24pm)Mr Sensible Wrote: Well, six weeks of sitting around staring at the same old walls is driving me nuts already so does anyone have any suggestions what to do with the next 5 and a half weeks until the quacks think I can ride again?

How would a Bloke called Mr Sensible ,Break a leg ?

It is a Busa revenge. Should be riding not jogging aroundLol2
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"
Wouldn't advise this for someone called Mr Sensible . . . but . . .

When I was 20, I had a leg in plaster, (sport is just way too dangerous) but had a ride to Griffith organised the next weekend. -fairly straight roads.
Easy, just made a bracket up and hooked the right leg on. bloody cold toes!

obviously didn't use the back brake, and had to be very careful when stopping that I lent to the left. Idiot2 Idiot2

[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
Having spent 5 months off work last year with my jaw, I could offer you a few things to help kill the time.
I was downloading the latest movies via Isohunt over night and would watch 1 a day. I would go for a 10k walk (yes I know you cant walk) but you can still work your upper body thats another hour or so per day. Online gaming, its a bit addictive once you get going, but you can interact with other people and chat via a headset to them in real time. I was also playing golf 3 days per week (yeah tough with a broken leg i know) but snooker/pool will kill a lot of time as you improve your game also gets you out and socialising.
There is a fair bit you can do, you just have to think outside your comfort zone and try some new shit.
(30-01-2012, 10:24pm)Mr Sensible Wrote: Well, six weeks of sitting around staring at the same old walls is driving me nuts already so does anyone have any suggestions what to do with the next 5 and a half weeks until the quacks think I can ride again?

Yeh mate I feel your pain, I came off my Quad bike 2 weeks ago and suffered 2 broken ribs, dislocated shoulder and bruising down the whole left side. I have hardly been able to move for the 1st week and I am now starting to get some movement in my arm. Sick of watching movies and spending my time on line.
I feel sorry for some one who is this sort of situation for any lenght of time. Could'nt imagine what it would be like to be stuck in hospital though that would be worse.
BUSA there is no Substitute
What did you do Mr Un-sensible Nerd
just out of a broken leg as well,6 weeks in plaster and crutches,two weeks of struggling to walk then back into work,the internet,bike dvd's and lot's of time with my wife,you will be weak as your muscles waste,soon as you can do some exercise start even if it is only your upper body i am lucky we have a rowing machine and a weight bench that has helped a lot.
the doctor's will drag it out if you let em and the physio people want to keep you permanently,check the x=rays yourself and make your own decisions they are just advisors don't trust em,standard bone breaks are 6 weeks then age comes in and how bad the breaks are and how many,read about your injury on the internet and see what others have done,i have had the upper leg break and the lower leg break but only the small bone in lower leg.i have some experience with leg breaks,the lower leg break recently and i still rode for a week with it and lots of painkillers.
Well, thanks for the ideas guys,

Bazman - the callouses are already starting to form!!!

Wardy - I did it on a Thursday and had pre-paid to do a HR non-synchro truck course on the following Monday (In Melbourne), so I called to see what to do.
I was told my $1050 was non- refundable or transferable!!!!
I drove down on the Sunday and turned up!!! They must have been asleep when we did the whole thing, 'cause I passed somehow!!

#CAS# - Isohunt is ok but checkout vuse!!! The house i'm living in has absolutely no TV reception, so I'm well versed on this particular subject!! and I was told that if I don't stay off this thing that I have a reasonable chance of requiring a plate in about 4 weeks.

Simmo - It's not a great idea to go hay carting with my in-laws!!! We had stacked the truck three high, and my leg slipped between two bales, as i fell the smaller of the two bones in my leg (the fibula?!?!?) snapped. not neatly either, but what they called a spiral fracture!!!
The x-rays make for an awsome window decoration!!

gggsxr11 - I've had a good look at the x-rays myself, and had a really close mate with medical training take a look too - basically if they separate much more it won't form a calcium callous between them but rather two separate ones for the two ends... ultimately meaning they will want to cut me open and stick in some titanium!!! and I guess that will take even longer to heal!!!! so I'll sit here on my arse for a few more weeks( as much as I can anyways) ordering the wife about and trying to dodge as many dirty nappys as three kids three and under can make!!!
Tathra 2010 - Best Non 'Busa.
Tathra 2011 - Best Non 'Busa.
oh, and bazza try xnxx.Scary
Tathra 2010 - Best Non 'Busa.
Tathra 2011 - Best Non 'Busa.
Play Skyrim.
BUGGER!!!! but hey thanks for fixin my trailer.. lol..

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