Ok guys, lets get the bets rolling in.
I'm not sure who this SR440 guy is, but if he is keen enough to throw down the challenge to Glenn you gotta admire him.
I will back the dark horse SR440 for $50, at the creek. And go double or nuthing at the strip.
Any takers??? <i></i>
Thats a very conservative bet Dave. <i></i>
Gazza, its hard to put money on an unknown riders ability.
I know Glenn does 1:40's, which is a good lap time for anyone at the creek, I am only backing SR440 because he has the gonads to call him out and have a go, he must be half allright. And he has gotta know what he is up against.
Just to make sure, we are talking street registered bikes, with street tyres aren't we???
If it comes down to slicks and/or tack bikes, I might have to change my bet.
Dave <i></i>
I'll put up $50 for glenn, to make it interesting!! A bit of compitition never hurt anyone I say.
stu h <i></i>
Quote:A bit of competition never hurt anyone I say
Hey Stu, did you read this one?
Moto GP carnage
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
I bet they were racing for a lot more than 50 bucks!!! also it depends on what your definition of hurt is? How about a good ol' fight to the death????
stu h <i></i>
Any front running D grade racer or mid field c grader could do those times,and theres a lot of those guys out there.There just not riding Busas.As Kawasuki mentioned an A grader wants to do Sub 1:40 on Kawas bike.Thats when someone deserves respect. <i></i>
A pink panty hater maybe???? <i></i>
Let's not bring your boyfriend into this Stunttednuts! <i></i>
Did someone mention pantys???
something reminds me of mechanx....... <i></i>
That's nice of you! Is your bike faster than his? I bet mine is faster than yours. The truth is though,I don't think he'll ever show. How does he time himself around E/C? wrist watch? Save your money mate! he'll need more than a bike with a bit of glitter and a pipe to beat me! <i></i>
Quote:How does he time himself around E/C?
I count in my head... and I'm quicker than both of you put together! <i></i>
Pan, I didn't think you could count past 21!
Is that why your faster??
And how do they let you do laps with no gloves, or boots, or trousers?? <i></i>