Gday guys,
Was out at eastern creek today watching the "school" go round. I did see 2 busa's there , i think one might have been pans (same colours) and a black and blue one. Was any of the guys from here there? Did you have agood day
Webdesigner, Photographer and all round hoon :)<i></i>
Nice bike mate.The more busa owners that do the superbike schools the better.Its a bike that needs respect and skill to get the most out of.They do corner half ok you just have to push yourself to find out.(eg get it in a headlock). Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
Hi Doohan...
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
Hey doohan,
that was me on the red/black on monday. First time I had ridden EC on the busa. A bit quicker than on my push bike!!!!
It was an awesome experience, learnt plenty, now more confident and faster and safer! Cannot wait to do the other levels. I can see how people get addicted to track days now.
Will post some pics when I get them on CD. Just out of curiosity, what are some lap times for those who have done trackdays etc???
stu h <i></i>
We weren't allowed to time ourselves on the track day, but I counted in my head... I think I lapped consistently at 1 minute 38 seconds... but I stopped counting when I was going around corners because I was concentrating on not crashing...
Realistically Stu, I think fast Busa guys do it in under 2 minutes and the rest of us probably do about 2'10''...
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
1 min46-47 range with stock forks,rubberlines and stock brakes.Aiming for sub 1 min 45 with mods then I,ll park it and focus on the drags. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
I didn't think that they timed you guys at those track days.
I have a good mate who races ASBK, he will be pissed to find out a stock Busa is doing mid 1:40's on street tyres. (I always told him he rode like a girl). <i></i>
Thats ok Dave, I am trusting a AGrade rider with my bus when the front is done and he reckons he will get under the 1.40,
"I'd like to see that" It will give a few a small shock.
But me ARHH around 1.49 or less when i get sorted. My aim is to kick the Sparmans arse. Cheers,
You,ll need a long leg for that. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
Got one in stock.. Cheers,
Let me guess its made of carbon and pm you for a price. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
I reckon I'd get you round the track then hose you on the strip! <i></i>
Thats the beauty of motorcycling sr.There,s always someone better,it keeps you striving to better yourself.Now put your runs on the board. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
Is that an accepted challenge??? <i></i>
What board would that be? <i></i>