Willowbank open 2 hrs early for shootout bikes.
Guys before making any moves tomorrow, check the Webcam at Willowbank or give Shane or myself a call

Shane A 0402 245 625
Shayne H 0402 046 267

CYA there all going well

Shayne <i></i>
Well guys I ventured out and made the first meeting a personal success on my part my previous PB was a 10:69 beat that today with a couple of 10:5 passes and the best for me being a 10:572 @ 133.57mph so all in all a great success I will let the other tell you their time and there were some beauty runs there Oh nearly forgot mention I was only able to get 25 passes in the allocated time Cheers Bill

The Blingaholic

<i>Edited by: Xhiler8r&nbsp; at: 11/2/06 10:23 pm
Absolutely awesome day. I only managed 21 runs but I creamed my P.B. Today was my second time at the drags and i got a 10.23 @ 138.42 mph. But better records than that were set by others. You'll see soon on this thread - stay tuned!

Well that was a top day, a few incidents but from all accounts everyone really enjoyed themselves.

As Bill said some good results which was surprising in bloody hot humid weather! Congratulations guys!

I only ran 15 times, too busy gas bagging to everyone.
Didnt matter much I broke into the 9's 4 times today witha PB of 9.854@142.27 with a 1.658 60ft.

I am stooked to say the least!

Bring on March!

Shayne <i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 11/2/06 10:56 pm
forgot to ad a Big Thank you to the powers that be that organised this for us Queenslanders was a top day out and I am sure as hell looking for when the weather cools down a bit I might be getting an ANDRA licence soon by the looks of it Cheers Bill

The Blingaholic


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