Willowbank open 2 hrs early for shootout bikes.
Aye aye,

check with the track for confirmation but it looks like a done deal. Well done Mick Grunwald and Rick Rogers. <i></i>
Well done yourself captain!
Gates will open at 2pm
Cost will be to race $45 admits 2 people.
Spectators - Adults $18
Students with ID $16
Exclusive use of the Track for Street Bike Shootout entrants from 2pm -
4.30pm. Welcome to stay for the rest of the Event.

The increase from the normal cost of racing at TNT is because these people
have exclusive use of the Track from 2pm - 4.30 when the track then becomes
availalbe to other Test n Tune entrants and the bikes would just be taken in
Entrants and spectators from the Street Bike Shootout are welcome to stay
after 4.30pm at no extra cost.

Would it be possible to get some sort of black boards even from cardboard
made up that could be fastened to each bike and the number written on to
make it easier for the tower to read the numbers.

These are our standing instructions regarding Test n Tune events.

All vehicles MUST CHECK IN before their first run. All riders must sign the
Entry Form. A second person may ride a vehicle BUT they must sign the Entry
Form. After signing the Entry form your arm will be stamped and you must
show the stamp to the Official at the head of the Staging Lanes.

If your BIKE runs slower than 10.50, you will need theas a minimum the

Protective Clothing: Leather jacket or equivalent, long pants, gloves,
boots & socks


SNELL SA 90, SA 95, SA 2000, SA 2005, SFI 31.2(US) OR SNELL M 90. M 95,
M2000, SFI 41.2 (US)

BS 6658-85 Type A (British) OR SNELL 1990/1995/2000/2005 - SFI 31.1 (US)

BS 6658 -85 Type A/FR (British) OR AS 1698 1974/1988 (Australian)

If a bike runs quicker than 10.50 the vehicle and rider must comply with
all relevant ANDRA safety requirements. Any vehicles running quicker than
these times at an event and does not comply with the relevant ANDRA safety
requiements will not be permitted to take any further part in the event.

Is this on Sat 11th FEB?? <i></i>
Yes, Saturday February 11 Willowbank-Raceway, Champions Way Willowbank. Gates will open for bikes at 2pm. Cut-off for prizes is 4.15pm, but riders are, as already mentioned, welcome to stay on after this time. If competitors could attach a board(black in color) to the left side of their bike it will enble numbers to written on, this just makes it easier for the tower. Come out for a bit of testing, playing or grudge racing. See www.australiandragbike.com.au for more info. <i></i>
Calling out all the QLD busa owners this is your big chance to
step up and have a go, stop with all the pussy excuses and get there. You know who ya are.
I'm trying hard to get the time off ,but after having that time off after my stack its going to pushing the biggest load of shit up hill with the boss at the moment but I'm still trying.
I'll let ya's know .
We could all meet up at the BP at Goodna and ride out together. <i>Edited by: the shredder 3 at: 4/2/06 10:27 pm
I'M IN 4 SURE. Have a mate coming on his yammy 650. Are we gonna meet up somewhere and ride out there?? Maybe northside people at my place and on to shaynes place for the southsiders if he is going?

Sorry, I got too excited, shoulda read ya post before replying to it. - BP Goodna is fine with me.

What are the prizes?? - I hope some militec is up for grabs!
<i>Edited by: m8ee&nbsp; at: 7/2/06 4:30 pm
I will be there.

What say we meet at BP Goodna 1PM to leave 1.15PM, should be enough time.

Shayne <i></i>
Goodna BP 1:00pm it is - C U THERE!!
See you at the track, be ready for some fuuuun. <i></i>
. <i></i>
Yeah its on I got the time off work so I'll see you guys at the BP at 1pm
shane <i></i>
ONYA MATE!! <i></i>
count me in too <i></i>
Stick ya head out the window, not lookin real flash for tommorrow. Rain predicted for tommorow. - FARK!!
dont worry it will be OK. just storms tonight, possibility of morning coastal showers, doubt that we will get rain at willobank <i></i>

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