What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss?
My last was in 2004, hit a puddle of diesel going around a slow "turn left at any time with care" corner/. Didn't see the diesel, was too busy nodding to one of the Canberra traffic Sergeants I know, got high sided, landed on the point of my left shoulder, then the head - straight up straight down, f****d the shoulder, broke (Smashed) a rib that tore bits out of my lung. Wering leather jacket without armour, with amour I'd have gotten up all embarrassed and cried over the bike. Jeans, not a mark on them, boots, not a mark - bike = f****d, helmet f****d. With the amount of traffic that was going by on the other side of the road - luckiest prang I ever had, could have been much worse.
Now wear leather with armour during the summer and DriRider jacket with armour during winter and best boots money can buy. Only prang in the previous 23 years (touch much wood), like most of us I have so many near misses I am getting a little blase about them. These days "they have to catch me to kill me!" is my survival moto.

I hope the wanker gets heaps Baldy, he deserves it for nearly killing you mate.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

Messages In This Thread
RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - by Madmax - 08-08-2007, 10:02pm

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