What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - Printable Version

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What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - Astro - 07-08-2007

I've grabbed some comments from recent entries in the 'It wasn't me' thread. It's a worthwhile subject - something we can do to protect ourselves. (Apologies to the original authors as I've cut down the entries to aid readability.)

So... what were you wearing last time you had an off, or a near miss ? What injuries did you suffer ? More importantly - if you were wearing the right kind of gear, what injuries do you think you avoided?

CapeBusa Wrote:
Rev Wrote:Someone told me later that that particular intersection has a red light camera so the cage driver is farked, 6 pointer & big fine Knuppel2 I was wearing all the right gear, lucky I didn't need it.

6 demerit points and a fine doesn't send a message, neither does road rage (yeah, I'm talking to your Josh) Nothing the government is ever going to do with it's $50 levy (Victorians) is ever going to help you as a rider. You need to help yourself, and, any and every rider you meet by making them aware of the value of safety gear. Yes, you can legally ride down a public road in your birthday suit, provided you are wearing your standards approved helmet. But, a 15 meter slide on ashphalt in shorts from a 20 km an hour accident WILL leave you scared for life. Depending on where you ground away 3 inches of skin, fat, and muscle you may even loose the ability to walk. (loss of 30% or more of quadricep muscle can render you incapable of bipedal movement (unable to walk!)).

I might have had a few too many to drink at this point in time, but what i'm telling you is something i am passionate about. A full suit of safety gear, head to toe, can cost less than a thousand dollars. What is the abillity to walk worth to you????

6 points and a fine... nothing. What were you wearing when you had your lucky near miss?


RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - m8ee - 07-08-2007

Full leathers, boots, back protector, gloves......... Lowside on a resurfaced corner covered with gravel and no fucken roadworks sign, into new armco rail.

No injuries at all......... Leather saved a lot of skin.

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - Maj - 07-08-2007

Full leathers,good boots etc... lowside at ~80kph , minor bruise on the hip that i didn't notice for a couple of hours.

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - ROD - 07-08-2007

Half leathers and bike jeans cliped by car at 100kmh rolled about a dozen times lots of bruised parts and broke collor bone was verry suprised how jeans pulled up would have to give them 10/10

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - lee8sec - 07-08-2007

First one, jacket, gloves, jeans & runners. Low sided, bike slid into gutter & bounced back and hit me as i slid down the road, broken coxic(tail bone) from gear sack and a few scratches. Rode home on back of mates bike.

2nd, high sided going around corner. Work boots, thin pants, thin shirt, NO gloves or jacket. Bike landed on right hand, broken finger and lost lots of skin from hand, arm and shoulder. Was a test ride on customers bikeScary

I now never ride without jacket, gloves & boots & mostly full leathers. Both times helmet took a beating and did its job. I learnt the hard way. Still shudder when i see people riding in shorts and thongsWtf Leigh

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - Maj - 07-08-2007

I have made several sacrifices to the god of bitumen in my younger days, 3rd gear flipped a it250 in shorts sandshoes and tee , later slid up the road wearing jeans jacket and workboots with the suzi gt250 on my leg .... after a while the message sinks in.. Leather always ...

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - Rocketrod - 07-08-2007

Ummmmm,i'de have to say after a near miss,definately skid marked jocks.Roll On the serious side though,always try to wear the full gear(leathers,boots,gloves,helmet.....)Pi_thumbsup

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - BUSGO - 07-08-2007

Low side on a 30kph right hander over some diesel that brought Driller down on the way to Jindy.
I managed to push the bike back up with my right toe and the boot left a leather skid mark on the road.
No more runners for me on the bike.

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - Astro - 07-08-2007

I suppose I should chip in. Waiting at lights to turn right about 11pm on a Saturday night (many years ago). Drunk driver swerved into the turning lane and hit me from behind doing about 50km/h. I had just enough time to snick 1st and twist the throttle before impact. Bike (Bultaco 360) stood up and I was standing on the pegs at impact. Seat and rear suspension took the hit (otherwise I don't think I'd be here to write this). Bike then went under the car. I landed on my back on his bonnet, smashed the windscreen with the back of my helmet (from here I don't know what happened, but the witness described it this way to the cops). Helmet smashing windscreen pivoted and twisted me and I rolled over onto the roof on my stomach, slid back across roof then over the boot-lid and onto the road. From what the driver behind told me later, my face hit the tar hard. I don't remember.

Good full-face helmet. Heavy touring jacket, good boots and gloves, jeans.

Injuries.... bonnet decoration gored my thigh (old Valiant) - 8 stiches, one loose tooth and a chin that felt like I'd gone 10 rounds with someone big. And lost. Nerve and tendon damage to right wrist, but no break. Later, two black eyes which matched the black chin and fat lip (where I bit it). Dislocated right shoulder and a damn sore neck (which I'm lucky I didn't break).

State of gear after. Jeans shredded where the bonnet deco tore thru (if I'd been wearing leathers, this would have been just a bruise), Helmet chin piece cracked (did it's job), deep slashes in the back of the leather jacket where the wiper had passed beneath (geeze those things must be sharp!) and about 50 nasty cuts in jacket from windscreen glass trapped under me when I was sliding over the roof etc. That jacket saved me from some horrific injuries. If that had been a t-shirt, I would have been in a heap of trouble. Shudder to think.

Boots and gloves were fine.

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - matty85 - 07-08-2007

I lowsided my bike on Easter Monday, was heading out with the girl to meet up with the boys and girls for a ride to Paluma. Had a new rear tyre put on the bike a couple of days before. As i came round the corner was doing bout 30 kpm and tyre lost grip as it hit some loose gravel. I was wearing jeans, jacket and boots. Jeans got torn to shreads and skinned me left arse cheek. took a nice chunk of flesh out of my right shin, under the knee and left ankle was caught under the bike. Badly bruised it and couldn't walk on it properly for a few weeks

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - Heidi1 - 07-08-2007


RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - Dan85 - 07-08-2007

well heidi. the girl who funnily enough is also a heidi was fine.

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - maggot - 07-08-2007

I think I was wearing full leathers..pulled the sole off one of my alpine star boots, and split open the knee on my leather pants. mildly concussed and the usuall stiffness that comes from doing this and I was pissing blood for a couple of weeks aparently due to stuffing one of my kidneys and not going to hospital straight away (dont start Heidi I know you told me too...)

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - Dan85 - 07-08-2007

soemthing that both me and heidi told you to do was claim it from act Governemnt due to the fact they were at fualt for that one mate!

RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - maggot - 07-08-2007

I know..... hehehehe