What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss?
My Accident, I was only wearing going out clothes & nomal boots + Helmet/gloves.Don't remember the accident at all, not even half of that day. BUT from what i was told, I was heading along the road, when a DRUNK DRIVER (PRICK) Went to overtake a car, And was on my side of the road, Hit me head on.
Injuries.. Plate & pins in both my arms,
Split my eyebrow open, Stitches in my head.
Nearly ripped the end of my nose off, And the usual pain. Very Happy
That was 16 Months ago, And the prick is just going to court at the end of the month.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - by Baldy Bo - 08-08-2007, 09:06pm

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