What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss?
My first and last off was about 22 yrs ago I was wearing boardies thongs and a singlet oh and of course a full face helmet i flew into a corner that i had been through no more that 20 minutes ealier and for some reason there was a heap of crusher dust left on it this time round slid down the road at around 80 ks i had gravel rash from my ankle to the tips of my fingers on the left side of my body I still remember getting dressed in jeans to go to a party that night and having the chicks mum soaking me in a bath tub and cutting the jeans off me cause they were all stuck to the weeping wounds

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RE: What were you wearing when you had your last off or near miss? - by xhiler8r - 07-08-2007, 06:37pm

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