13-03-2007, 04:41pm
Touchy,touchy there young Raz.
Each to there own i say.
I have used Mr Sheen on fairings for years on all my bikes and never had a problem.I use mothers polish on the tank(metal) and amourall on the black plastics like innner fairing,indicators,switch blocks, and glass cleaner on the fairing screen and headlight.It all works for me and if someone gets on here and says this doesnt work or that doesnt work,i dont really give a toss because as i said i have used these products for years and never had a problem.
Ive heard it all,people canning Mr Sheen or amourall,but hey ,i use them and like i said,never had a problem
Back in black!
Each to there own i say.
I have used Mr Sheen on fairings for years on all my bikes and never had a problem.I use mothers polish on the tank(metal) and amourall on the black plastics like innner fairing,indicators,switch blocks, and glass cleaner on the fairing screen and headlight.It all works for me and if someone gets on here and says this doesnt work or that doesnt work,i dont really give a toss because as i said i have used these products for years and never had a problem.
Ive heard it all,people canning Mr Sheen or amourall,but hey ,i use them and like i said,never had a problem
Back in black!