22-03-2007, 10:58am
Yep, had the stainless with Ti can, the evo system is full Ti. Good pipe, pricey and 2 minor clearance issues; on LHS I needed to bend oil cooler pipe for header clearance; right hand rear lower fairing bolt also touched collector, I used a wet tile cutter to slice off a bit of porcelain spark plug insulator to make a spacer washer, no melting issues. Next you'll be gutting your airbox to realise power gains and then you'll wish you hadn't because at light throttle it'll stutter like porky pig (my guns' run out of bu bu bu bu bu....shells!) untill you get someone to sort out the fuelling, then she'll be sweet. Its' got header balance pipes so kicks in early, on par power wise with stock system from 4K and about 10hp more at peak on mine. I didn't notice any less acceleration below 4K due I think to the weight saving. If you can get one at a good price I'd say go for it.
"par excellence"