MORE LIES and MORE THREATS by Pete (Boss2)

Peter, by now your tactics are totally predictable, when cornered lie through your teeth and if that should fail issue threats…...

Just as I had been informed by a “little birdie” about a post that you had “censored/deleted” on your board, this time I have received emails from some very concerned board members asking me if I was aware of what was being posted on your board, relating to me and Volvi.

My answer was NO, because I had not visited your board on principle. But after receiving more than one ‘alarming’ message that “Peter had posted threats directed at me and Volvi and I should immediately contact the police,” I thought that I should at least have a look and copy the postings before they get edited or removed.

My first observation was that I AM BANNED FROM POSTING ON YOUR BOARD! My response to that, DON’T FLATTER YOURSELF PETE! I would NEVER consider placing a post there even though many of your members are friends of mine. WELL AT LEAST I THOUGHT THEY WERE TILL I READ SOME OF THEIR POSTS! Very disappointing indeed – WHAT IN THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO THEM?? They were such nice people.

Anyway I transgress, my focus is on you Peter.

Just for everyone’s information regarding the ‘Col’ post on your board.

Prior to this little episode, I HAVE NEVER MET COL OR EVEN HEARD OF HIM! So any connection that Peter is now desperately trying to conjure up, just doesn’t exist. Furthermore, it’s just all pretence anyway because it turns out that Peter and Col knew each other all along, so they both had to know that I had NOTHING to do with any of it.

I suppose that in a rather back-handed way I should feel flattered that Peter thinks (or at least pretends) that I am so clever as to conjure up this complex interstate conspiracy inciting Col to come out of the blue and post what he did on Peter’s board.

Well Peter, sorry I ain’t flattered at all and sure it would be hell of a convenience for you if I had ‘set’ it all up and you could expose me for it. BUT I DIDN’T and YOU KNOW THAT AS WELL AS COL (and probably every other person who knows me) so don’t go announcing that you are now trying to locate the links through your so called “connections” because you know without any doubt that such links DO NOT EXIST. Much like your pathetic lie which you posted on our board claiming that you sold me a manual tensioner, etc. You just can’t help yourself can you? Must be some sort of a disease huh?

A couple of extremely important points which clearly serve to demonstrate you character Pete, or more accurately the lack thereof;

A. You very hastily censored/deleted Col’s first post obviously because it struck very close to the truth, knowing very well who he was all the time. Then you pretended that the poster’s identity was a total mystery to you and ‘it obviously all linked back to the old board,’ as you implied.

B. Even though you knew Col very well, you deliberately remained silent whilst some of your members blatantly tried to smear the blame on me. Eventually, you did come out and advise everyone that it wasn’t me at all, but you only did that because you knew that you would end up with egg-on-face if the truth should emerge.

So when all else fails, turn to threats of violence eh Pete? That’s how you operate. You have already previously threatened to “kill” one of our members, you threatened bodily harm against Volvi and then against me, just because we demonstrated against your mischief and firmly returned some of your slams.

Now, you have done the same once again with the following post on your board “the culprits are Volvi and Les from the old board, stay tuned as phone numbers and address's and any other relevent details of the rocks they live under, are posted so as any and all people entwined and caught up in their decietful little game can pay them a visit. Boss.”

Most of your members know Volvi and me reasonably well and even though they may not admit it to you, I doubt that any of them really believe that we were involved in any of this so-called CONSPIRACY. But if they do, they are welcome to come and see me.

As for you Peter, I can’t really use the words ‘that I am disappointed in your behaviour’ because I have come to realise who and what you really are…… so go and pretend to search for your CONSPIRACY proof and if you can’t find even the slightest skerrick, which of course you can’t, because it just doesn’t exist, stay up all night and concoct something, you are pretty versed at that.

As for you threats of violence (‘promises’ as you put it in one of your phone threats which I have recorded), I have told you before, you DO NOT FRIGHTEN ME ONE BIT! And only a COWARD incites a CROWD to do his bidding.

Where do you think you live man that you can go around threatening to kill and bash people and then think that you will be able to claim “due provocation” (as you so ignorantly put it) as your defence. GROW UP PETE AND STOP LIVING IN THE CAVE MAN ERA!

If I had wanted to discredit you, I would not have to conjure up mysterious national conspiracies to do so, you have done a pretty good job of that all on your own anyway. Your credibility.... ooopss wrong word, because you have none of that, surely would not even be a consideration. Anyone who publicly (or privately for that matter) issues threats of violence at the slightest drop of a hat has serious problems, surely everyone can see that!

Regardless, as I stated previously on this board – discrediting you was NEVER on my agenda and despite your UGLY, VERY UGLY behaviour it still isn’t, even though you would like everyone to think otherwise. I will admit though, you seem to have done a pretty good job of convincing all the guys thus far.

I have received plenty of private support from members so I’m not alone in my opinion of you. They are afraid to post their support or anything else for that matter, because you have intimidated them with your threatening postures.

I cannot deny that your behaviour has damaged this club and its board and I am not sure that it can survive. But one thing is for certain, I will never run or hide from the likes of you.

YOU CAN’T CENSOR THIS POST SO STAY UP ALL NIGHT AGAIN or better still, pretend you didn’t read any of this…….

THANKS, to all those members and guests who have forwarded their support, it restored my faith in human decency.



Messages In This Thread
MORE LIES and MORE THREATS by Pete (Boss2) - by busababy - 22-11-2000, 05:19pm
AND MORE STILL - by busababy - 22-11-2000, 05:24pm
Child - by chopper - 23-11-2000, 12:17am
SERIOUS INPUT - by busababy - 23-11-2000, 07:14am
My 2c - by demeester - 23-11-2000, 08:08am
Re: My 2c - by busababy - 23-11-2000, 09:05am
Re: My 2c - by demeester - 23-11-2000, 09:51am
Lycra Cycling Shorts - by C43 - 23-11-2000, 11:32am
Re: Lycra Cycling Shorts - by busababy - 23-11-2000, 04:26pm
I'm back! - by Snaggs - 23-11-2000, 05:33pm
grow the f*** up! - by bluviper - 23-11-2000, 05:57pm
Lycra vs Racism - by C43 - 23-11-2000, 08:10pm
Ratings - by chopper - 23-11-2000, 10:19pm
HEY LES - by chopper - 23-11-2000, 10:59pm
Re: Ratings - by busababy - 23-11-2000, 11:04pm
Re: My 2c - by GLENN - 23-11-2000, 11:41pm
Re: I'm back! - by busababy - 24-11-2000, 07:55am

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