Best place to get recall work done?
Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on the various bike shops? Any recommendations? What about ones to avoid?

Over the years I've had so many bad experiences (eg, picking up my bike only to find scratches and/or other damage that wasn't there before), that I became convinced that if you want the job done properly... you have to do it yourself, and so I've

Messages In This Thread
Best place to get recall work done? - by kveldulv - 04-11-2000, 09:21am
Not sure what happened to the bottom of my post - by kveldulv - 04-11-2000, 09:27am
It's here ??? - by bluebusa - 04-11-2000, 10:52pm
BTX - by BigMac088 - 05-11-2000, 10:31am
Re: BTX - by demeester - 06-11-2000, 09:38am
Re: BTX - by kveldulv - 06-11-2000, 05:05pm

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