Sneaky Cops
this is illegal, they are not allowed to do shit like that. Where are you based? NSW? VIC ? TAS.

I would be writing letters, and would have taken a picture aswell!.


Messages In This Thread
Sneaky Cops - by Illya Bussa - 28-11-2001, 08:51pm
Sneaky Cops - by jessie928 - 29-11-2001, 12:57pm
Re: Sneaky Cops - by Illya Bussa - 29-11-2001, 03:45pm
Re: Sneaky Cops - by busababy - 29-11-2001, 05:56pm
shifty bastards - by hyabusa - 29-11-2001, 09:02pm
Re: shifty bastards - by Illya Bussa - 29-11-2001, 11:13pm
shifty cops - by rev 01 - 30-11-2001, 10:56am

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