Sneaky Cops - Printable Version

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Sneaky Cops - Illya Bussa - 28-11-2001

Was going down Springvale Rd today and seen 2 cops in council gear with those new laser camera's
Perched on top of a service road with a tripod mount and a council car compleat with orange lights and safety vests
Kinda looked like a surveyors setup (bloody shifty)
They didn't look to impressed when I done a U turn and came back stopped beside em had a good gig at the setup and called em shifty
Dam there gettin sneaky

Sneaky Cops - jessie928 - 29-11-2001

this is illegal, they are not allowed to do shit like that. Where are you based? NSW? VIC ? TAS.

I would be writing letters, and would have taken a picture aswell!.


Re: Sneaky Cops - Illya Bussa - 29-11-2001

I had no idea that it was illegal
im in Vic

Re: Sneaky Cops - busababy - 29-11-2001

It only goes to prove that they are doing it for the revenue and not for safety reasons at all.

If cameras were really set up to induce drivers to slow down, why not put a sign each place they set up a camera, instead of going to those extremes in order to conceal them?

The answer is MONEY!

Well f*#~ them all!


shifty bastards - hyabusa - 29-11-2001

Well that is the first time I have ever heard of this type of thing going on and Yes it is illegal, my advice is ( if you can remember the time date and exactly where they where) write a letter first to the area commander for that area explaining what took place. If you have no joy there then to your Police minister and local member of parliment. no joy there then to the media. this is revenue raising nothing else and it must stop. I know in NSW the people responsible who have to explain why they should keep their jobs????


Re: shifty bastards - Illya Bussa - 29-11-2001

Was on Springvale RD 350Mtrs south of the end of the eastern
freeway in the service lane
was about 4pm

shifty cops - rev 01 - 30-11-2001

Saw the same set up exiting Bolte bridge southbound to
Westgate link. Very unusual to see council "workers" there as they didn't seem to be doing anything (which is not unusual in itself) & everything there is new so doesn't need fixing !

Prior to this I passed a suspicious Falcon on Bolte who's non uniformed driver was talking on a radio & probably warning the "council workers" of our approach. As Citylink is normally infested with cops in SS Commodore's & on all sorts of bikes, discretion is normally excercised on theses routes & we passed through uneventfully.

In my entire 34 year riding career I have never seen a speed camera set up in a known accident black spot, they are always located where they will earn maximum revenue, like a long straight after a downhill run etc etc. My policy is to slow down a bit when passing ANY vehicle on the side of the road just in case.

Forewarned is forearmed !!