20-12-2005, 09:34pm
maybe you used the right one that didnt had the dredded poison in it oh and if it ever happens be ready for big bills and a possibly a bad outcome once the signs are there it is usually 2 late from application to dead in 24hrs on a bloody healthy lil cat I havent even started adding the costs of this mistake up yet but I know it aint gonna be pretty
Oh also Pete check out you home contents insurance you could be able to throw animal insurance into it I just found out that we actually had it but only covers the first $500 which is better than nothing I guess Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
I Am Not Racist I Hate Everyone Equally
Oh also Pete check out you home contents insurance you could be able to throw animal insurance into it I just found out that we actually had it but only covers the first $500 which is better than nothing I guess Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
I Am Not Racist I Hate Everyone Equally