A Way to Help Yourselves

Hi Guys,

Im not sure of the protocol here and I dont normally bother people with things like this. But Ive been studying this program/ Learning system that is designed to help people not only improve thier lives, but also thier lifestyle.

This is not a scam, not by a long shot. To keep things very basic for now (I can explain more later if you ask), this system delves into different investment strategies. From property, to internet to shares and derivatives and also company setup and taxation.
The system not only caters for monetary gains, but also has many lifestyle teachings from the likes of Anthony Robbins.

The systems shown in the study programs are those used by many of the wealthiest people in Australia and the systems are shown by the very people (in many cases) who help control the finances of some of these wealthy people.

By following the link you are under no obligation. You will have the option to recieve a free E-book to read or a free DVD (will have to pay $7.50 postage on the DVD, but if you are loathe to pay that then let me know).

So far, everyone Ive shown this to has been interested enough to pursue it further.

I just want you guys to know that this is most certainly real, it is in no way a scam and is in no way related to any kind of multi level marketing or other such program.

Like I said before, its not normal for me to make posts like this, but I really feel this program is worth it. I will let you know right now, that if you do purchase the program through my link, I do recieve a commission, but that is not what drives my post here and in fact my partner and I have decided to throw in a bonus e-book that we bought just to show that we are not doing this for the money. The e-book costs us $99 USD to supply...but its bloody brilliant, we think its an important book and thats why we are willing to throw it in for free.

Anyway, here is the link. I know many people dont like to read all my crap, so Ive put the link at the top also for those who just want to go check it out.


I am more than happy to recieve feedback on this...good or bad. Let me know what you reckon.
But do know that my partner and I have been doing this for a few months now and are very pleased with the results.

If you read all this, thanks
I really hope we can help some of you to get what or where you want. Edited by: Haemaglobin at: 17/8/05 5:44 pm

Messages In This Thread
A Way to Help Yourselves - by Haemaglobin - 17-08-2005, 05:38pm
Re: A Way to Help Yourselves - by 1hotBUSA - 18-08-2005, 10:15pm
Re: A Way to Help Yourselves - by pan - 18-08-2005, 10:54pm
Re: A Way to Help Yourselves - by Haemaglobin - 19-08-2005, 06:18pm
Re: A Way to Help Yourselves - by 1hotBUSA - 20-08-2005, 10:39am
Re: A Way to Help Yourselves - by Haemaglobin - 20-08-2005, 11:53am
Re: A Way to Help Yourselves - by rocket rod 7777 - 20-08-2005, 04:20pm
Re: A Way to Help Yourselves - by 1hotBUSA - 20-08-2005, 06:30pm
Re: A Way to Help Yourselves - by Haemaglobin - 22-08-2005, 09:47pm
Re: A Way to Help Yourselves - by rev 01 - 23-08-2005, 11:51pm

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