Who will be next into the 9's???
Simmo, get that hugger off and lower her a bit more mate, you have the MPH for 9's.
Do you have a strap for the front?
I have a spacer plate for the top triple clamp that will let you come down another 15mm or so, if you want to use it at the Bracket meet let me know.
You want that front fender up inside the nose

Bruce, have you changed the mounting points for your pipes so you can get lower yet? You can always take your end cans off at the Bracket meets and run open pipes
I have a cut down under tail here, it has no where for the tyre to hit which gives you another 3 inches (no boot), I have also cut it around the rear brake line so it goes on quicker, so you could change it in about 15 minutes, I will bring it over when I pick up my bits from Shayne.

Gazza, all you need is gearing I think, do you have enough sprockets to pick from? I have a bit of a collection here if you need a couple give me a call. <i></i>

Messages In This Thread
Who will be next into the 9's??? - by CAS3234 - 10-07-2006, 02:40pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by Blackzook - 10-07-2006, 04:56pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by DAN85 - 10-07-2006, 06:24pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by simmo - 10-07-2006, 06:46pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by spamanglenn - 10-07-2006, 09:06pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by sr440 - 10-07-2006, 10:01pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by pan - 10-07-2006, 10:02pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by gazza414 - 10-07-2006, 11:12pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by Blackzook - 10-07-2006, 11:31pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by simmo - 10-07-2006, 11:36pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by Blackkat - 10-07-2006, 11:38pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by sr440 - 10-07-2006, 11:50pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? - by Blackzook - 10-07-2006, 11:57pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? WSID WED 12.07.06 - by Blackzook - 14-07-2006, 07:12am
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? WSID WED 12.07.06 - by CAS3234 - 14-07-2006, 08:18am
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? WSID WED 12.07.06 - by gazza414 - 14-07-2006, 07:09pm
Re: Who will be next into the 9's??? WSID WED 12.07.06 - by Blackzook - 14-07-2006, 07:43pm

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